Monday, December 24, 2018

Flowing Curves Of Beauty Christmas Eve Edition

Girl to her boyfriend:   Which do you love more, my pretty face or my sexy body?
Boyfriend:  I love your sense of humor most.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Oh Yeah, What Do They Say About Liars?

Figures don't lie, but liars don't figure.

Numbers are funny things.

Funny because, like a Spanish transgender cross-dressing drag beauty queen, you can dress them up as you like to make a point.

Even if that point is perverse and a complete lie.

John Stossel presents such a lie.
You've probably heard that America has the most mass shootings in the world. That's often given as a reason for more gun control.  
But economist John Lott looked into that claim and he says it's a myth based on one bogus study. 
"The United States has the most mass shootings by far the most public mass shootings You don’t see murder on this kind of scale with this kind of frequency in any other advanced nation on Earth."
Where’d that claim come from? 
Obama, and everyone, base it on -- A study done by University of Alabama Professor Adam Lankford.
Watch the short video segment here.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Flowing Curves Of Beauty

Don’t get too excited...that trail of clothes leading to my bedroom just means I dropped them on my way from the dryer.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Flowing Curves Of Beauty

Apparently, "whiskey and wild women" was not the answer they were looking for when they asked me “What are your weaknesses?” at a job interview.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Motion Picture Academy Of Arts And Sciences Keeps Trying To Pick Up A Turd By The Clean End

Ever since Billy Crystal passed the baton as emcee of the Oscars in 2004, the Academy has struggled to find the right person to host what has become garbage television.

Those who succeeded Crystal have vowed never to do it again.  Contrast that with the glory days of the Oscars when Johnny Carson hosted five times, Crystal nine times and Bob Hope an unprecedented eighteen times.

Nowadays, the host is expected to boost the ratings of the annual ceremony that spent 20 years kissing Harvey Weinstein’s ass, be funny without being tawdry, topical without being controversial and politically savvy without being too partisan.

Comedian Kevin Hart stepped down as Oscars host just two days after he was named in the role, amid anger over a series of mostly deleted homophobic tweets he posted from 2009 to 2011.

Hollywood is full of hypocrites and knee-jerk political activism with deep ties to the Democrat Party and I think its hysterically funny the Academy is scrambling to find a “suitable candidate” amid concerns the ceremony’s ratings continue to sink like a stone.

Maybe Hollywood should enter into a contract with Boston Dynamics to create a funnybot that would supply inoffensive humor to the perpetually aggrieved or better still, they could stop giving themselves so many meaningless awards.

The Babylon Bee tweeted an interesting solution:

Friday, December 7, 2018

Pearl Harbor: Someday All Of Them Will Be Gone

After 77 years, the story of the mighty battleship has been told again and again: how it took heavy fire, how a bomb blew it apart, how it sank into the harbor.

To this day, the ship still weeps for her dead.

The USS Arizona had 1.4 million gallons of fuel on board when she went down. About a quart and a half a day bubbles up from below. Pearl Harbor survivors call the seepage “black tears.” It’s eerie to see and, in a strange way, a seemingly tangible connection to those who lie below.

About 300 USS Arizona sailors survived Japan’s surprise attack.

In the past, survivors have rung the bell as part of Pearl Harbor Day ceremonies, but this year, none of the five remaining survivors will make the trip to Pearl Harbor due to health issues. 

Two years ago, to mark the 75th anniversary, four of the survivors made the trip to Pearl Harbor as the remains of two of their fallen crewmates were interred in the sunken ship's wreckage.

A little over a decade ago, there were around 6 million living World War II veterans; soon they will all be gone.

On December 7th, 1941 they were 18 and 19-year-olds, fully committed to sacrificing their lives for family and country. We may never see their kind of patriotism again.

The country just laid to rest the last veteran of World War II to serve as president and a fellow World War II veteran, 95-year-old Sen. Bob Dole, had to be helped from his wheelchair to stand and salute the flag-draped coffin of President George H.W. Bush.

As the Greatest Generation leaves us, they take with them a sense of commitment, duty and grace that might be impossible to replace.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  Thank you Doug Ross for linking to this post and, if you are a veteran, thank you for your service.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Weekly Standard: A Wave Hit It And The Front Fell Off

The Weekly Standard, [clears throat] the “conservative magazine” that has stubbornly clung to an anti-Trump stance, is expected to fold unless an investor swoops in to save it.

Media DC, a subsidiary of Philip Anschutz’s Clarity Media Group, did nothing on Wednesday to tamp down reports of the Weekly Standard’s imminent demise.

The Chairman of Media DC has asked to meet with Editor-In-Chief Stephen F. Hayes late next week and wants the entire staff of the publication to be available for the meeting.

Writers for Cap’n Bill’s cruise line and toilet paper dispenser have written fundraising copy for disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, called for gun control, praised censorship of conservatives and endorsed pro-abortion Democrats.

Cap’n Bill himself has said he is building a "war machine" within the Republican Party to challenge President Trump's 2020 reelection campaign with possible candidates Ohio Governor John “The Mailman’s Son” Kasich, Sen. Jeff “Cuck” Flake and Sen. Ben “Turncoat” Sasse of Nebraska.

Even to this casual observer, Kristol and his dreary band of NeverTrump foot soldiers pray incessantly the Mueller probe will lead to the impeachment and removal of the president.

I look forward with great delight to the sinking of the S.S. Cuck.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are honored once again by the linky-love of Doug Ross.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Destroying Childhood Innocence During The Holiday Season

According to a published report from Tap Into Parsippany, social media was steaming and Montville, NJ parents were fuming when a parent whose child is a first grader at Cedar Hill Elementary in Towaco posted onto the Montville Moms Facebook Page Nov. 29 that a substitute teacher identified only as “Ms. M” had told the children in the class that there was no such thing as Santa.

One mom wrote she was furious after the substitute teacher “took it upon herself” to tell the class of six-year-olds Santa was not real.

“The children began yelling that everything is real and she continued by saying that the elves and reindeer aren’t real either,” she wrote. “Nothing is real! My daughter is completely heartbroken!”

“Oh, it wasn’t just Santa─it was the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, leprechauns, everything,” wrote another. “She told the children, ‘your parents buy all your gifts.’ My daughter literally said, ‘she took away our imagination.’”

Angry parents on the thread, both with school children and without, were calling for the substitute teacher’s firing. Some called her the Grinch; another commenter called it “ignorance, devastation, and heartlessness.” Many said it was sad to ruin Christmas for children at such a young age. Some suggested that the class should have a visit from St. Nick himself.

Cedar Hill Principal Michael Raj sent a letter to the parents of children in that class which said, “I wanted to make you aware of a situation that occurred today in your child’s classroom. During the course of the day, a substitute teacher apparently announced to the class that Santa was not real. Once I became aware of the situation, I immediately spoke to the substitute teacher regarding her poor judgment in making this proclamation to [the class].

“As a father of four myself, I am truly aware of the sensitive nature of this announcement. On behalf of Cedar Hill School, I apologize for this incident. I am sending this letter so that you are aware of this situation and if the conversation comes up at home over the next few days you can take appropriate steps to maintain the childhood innocence of the holiday season.”

When contacted for comment, Superintendent of Schools René Rovtar said that “the incident is under investigation. I am troubled and disheartened by this incident. The childhood wonder associated with all holidays and traditions is something I personally hold near and dear in my own heart.”

The mom who first mentioned the situation on Facebook said her daughter doesn’t believe the substitute teacher. She took her daughter to visit Santa as part of the Towaco Shop Hop event and her daughter is happy.

“I told her [the sub] is Krampus’ [Santa’s evil counterpart] helper and will not be returning.  She believes me.”

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are grateful to Doug Ross for linking to this post.

Some Kneel, Others Stand

Former Sen. Bob Dole paid his respects to the late President George H.W. Bush on Tuesday afternoon and was helped out of his wheelchair so he could stand and salute the coffin.
The 95-year-old can no longer walk. An aide lifted him from behind so the former senator could be upright to salute Bush, a fellow World War II veteran. 
Dole then sat in his wheelchair for a few moments, blinking back tears, as he stared at the flag-draped coffin containing the remains of his fellow member of the Greatest Generation.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  Thanks to Doug Ross for linking to this post.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

With Paris Ablaze Macron Gets His Ass Handed To Him

Russian Nobel Prize winner for literature, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, “You only have power over people as long as you don’t take everything away from them.  But when you’ve robbed a man of everything, he’s no longer in your power─he’s free again.”

France is experiencing the kind of unrest that many agree is the worst since 1968 as the population seems to be dividing into those who prosper and those who struggle to keep their heads above water. For many struggling French citizens, a car is not a luxury or an indulgence but a precondition of being able to work.

The Macron Administration’s increase in the country’s fuel tax was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  The proposed fuel tax would cost the average Jacques hundreds of Euros a year.  Monsieur Macron has never personally experienced the need to make ends meet on a budget already stretched to the max.  The riots have evolved into a broader anti-Macron uprising.  Little Napoleon’s approval rating fell to 23% in a poll conducted late last week.  That’s down 6 points from the previous month.

You’ll recall last month France’s little egomaniac gave a smug lecture to President Trump during the Centennial of World War I. Speaking at the Arc de Triomphe, Macron suggested nationalism could lead to the same death and devastation seen during that war.

“Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying our interests first, who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential: its moral values.  I know there are old demons which are coming back to the surface. They are ready to wreak chaos and death. History sometimes threatens to take its sinister course once again.”

It is becoming harder for the EU’s “Obama” to present himself on the world stage as a progressive champion who will lead the fight against populism and nationalism if barricades are burning in Paris and protestors slam his government as an arrogant elite.

After his return from the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Macron surveyed the damage caused by gilet jaunes [yellow vests] at the Arc de Triomphe as street cleaners worked to scrub away graffiti urging:  “Macron Demission” [resign]. 

They needn’t have bothered. A small crowd gathered to shout it at Macron anyway.  Someone even managed to egg him.

The underlying problem in France is the same one faced by many countries, some to an even greater extent: namely of budgets, both public and private, that are never balanced, and of the consumption of more than is produced. 

Macron had vowed to “stay the course without ceding to demagogy.” But the gilets jaunes have provoked a surprise crisis that will undoubtedly define his presidency. As they persist, he is increasingly desperate to appease them, even at a loss of revenues and face. On Tuesday, Édouard Philippe, the Prime Minister, announced a raft of conciliatory measures, including a six-month suspension of gas taxes, a promise to make sure that electricity prices don’t go up over the winter and a “national debate” on issues of taxation and expenditure. “No tax is worth endangering the unity of the nation,” he said.

The European Parliamentary elections are coming up in May of 2019.  Macron knows the elections will be a referendum not only on him, but also on the values of globalism, centrism and environmentalism, of which he has positioned himself as an international defender.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are grateful to Doug Ross for linking to this post.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Flowing Curves Of Beauty

WARNING: If you get a tweet or an email titled "Nude photo of Nancy Pelosi," do not open it!  It contains a nude photo of Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

On The Passing Of President George H. W. Bush

He took office with the humility that was his hallmark.

"Some see leadership as high drama, and the sound of trumpets calling, and sometimes it is that," he said. "But I see history as a book with many pages, and each day we fill a page with acts of hopefulness and meaning. The new breeze blows, a page turns, the story unfolds."

George H.W. Bush was the last veteran of World War II to serve as president. He was a consummate public servant and a statesman who helped guide the nation and the world out of a four-decade-long Cold War that carried the threat of nuclear annihilation.

Flying ace and record-setting test pilot, Gen. Chuck Yeager, tweeted his wish that he say “Hello” to his wife Barbara as she welcomed him home, “She sure looked out for me during your inaugural parade.”

The elder Bush was an Eisenhower Republican, whose prudence was displayed first when the Berlin Wall came down and when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.

Bush earned the lasting admiration of a discerning posterity, a judgment more important than the one rendered by the undiscerning electorate that in 1992 limited him to one term.

Bush signed into law more than a dozen major pieces of domestic legislation during his single term, including the 1990 budget bill, energy deregulation, the Clean Air Act, the 1990 farm bill, his crime bill, the 1991 Civil Rights Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act.

He also produced the first set of national performance goals to spur the improvement of education in our K-12 schools, and he passed precedent-setting child-care legislation and led the effort to resuscitate the savings-and-loan industry, including an overhaul of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. after the system’s collapse.

Family spokesman Jim McGrath said the former president died shortly after 10 PM Friday, nearly eight months after the death of his wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush.

President Trump issued a statement while in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the G20 summit and the White House immediately noted the passing of Bush by ordering the flag be lowered to half-staff.

John Sununu, who was Chief of Staff to President George H.W. Bush, noted “he [Bush] always considered Lou Gehrig to be one of his greatest heroes.  No doubt, this admiration stemmed in part from Bush’s own baseball career.  Like Gehrig, Bush played as a left-handed first baseman for Yale. But more substantially, Gehrig’s career closely mirrored that of Bush.  Gehrig played in the shadow of the legendary Babe Ruth, much like Bush did in the shadow of his partner Ronald Reagan.  And like Gehrig, Bush operated more comfortably as the soft-spoken member of his partnership.  As he said in his 1988 RNC convention acceptance speech: ‘I am a quiet man, but I hear the quiet people others don’t.’”

Sununu added, “As president, George H.W. Bush laid a solid foundation for his successors to build on. Whether we have the fortitude and discipline to eventually do so remains to be seen.”

“In any case, the world will miss a great president. And I will miss a great friend.”

Friday, November 30, 2018

2018 SEC Championship Game: Georgia Bulldogs Vs Alabama Crimson Tide

Last Saturday Auburn Head Coach Gus Malzahn thought he had his War Buzzard ready to play some Saban Murderball.  Indeed.  They kept the game close through halftime.  When the teams returned to the field, the Tigers kept it close until the last two minutes of the third quarter when DeVonta Smith caught a 40-yd TD pass from Tua.  From that point forward, Bama kept pouring it on hapless Auburn.

Coach Saban said, “Don’t ask me why, but it doesn’t seem like we had the right kind of energy in the first half.  Don’t know if it was anxiety or what it was, but we seemed to settle down and play better in the second half.”

In the locker room at the half, Saban told his team, “We’re going to have to change the way these guys think and get after them because now they think they can win.”

The college football world is wondering if, based on the games against The Citadel and the “Barners”, the Tide can be beaten.  I will acknowledge that everyone watching the SEC Championship Game who isn’t a Buckeye or a Sooner fan will be rooting for Jawja to beat Bama.

With the Wolverines falling to the Bucknutts 62-39 last Saturday, the College Football Playoff Committee is now forced to have a serious conversation about who will be ranked No. 4 on Sunday, December 2nd, the day after Bama and the Bulldawgs clash in the SEC Championship Game.

If Georgia is defeated, I think Oklahoma gets the fourth spot over the Bucknutts because they were horribly embarrassed by Purdue losing to the Boilermakers 49-20.

I’m putting the cart before horse here.  First, the Tide must decimate the Bulldawgs.  That’ll be one mean feat.

What if Coach Smart makes the game interesting by putting in backup QB Justin Fields at some point in the game?  What if the game suddenly rides on the performance of Bama’s special teams?  Kicker Joseph Bulovas is a dismal 4 for 16 FG attempts and has blown 5 extra point attempts.  Georgia’s Rodrigo Blankenship has been deadly accurate all season long. Georgia is better prepared to meet the Tide’s strength this time around. 

Bulldawg tailback Elijah Holyfield adamantly insists, "Last year has nothing to do with this next game coming up.”  Oh?  Second-and-26 is what people remember the most from last year’s National Championship Game.

The Dawg Nation may want to blot that exhilarating play from their memory, but the Tide faithful carry it with them to this day.  Hell, it’ll live forever in Bama’s storied history.

Jawja’s last win over Bama was way back in 2007.

On Thursday, UGA Alumni tweeted an awkward invitation to all the SEC schools to #BeADawgForADay.  It didn’t turn out well.  Here’s one example from War Buzzard:
The Vegas bookies have Bama as a double-digit favorite against Jawja.  ESPN’s Matchup Predictor gives the Tide a 63.7% chance of victory.

Throw out the stats. The team that plays with the most emotion, most pride and sheer dominance will win this slobberknocker. The 2018 SEC Champions will be my beloved Crimson Tide. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I Say Disinfomation, You Say Misinformation

POTUS calls the bile pouring out of the media "Fake News". But what is really happening? Is it all out and out lies? Completely fabricated stories with no basis in reality? Here's something to chew on.
“Television is altering the meaning of 'being informed' by creating a species of information that might properly be called disinformation. Disinformation does not mean false information. It means misleading information - misplaced, irrelevant, fragmented or superficial information - information that creates the illusion of knowing something, but which in fact leads one away from knowing.” ~ Neil Postman
One of Postman's most influential works is Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. In Amusing, Postman argued that by expressing ideas through visual imagery, television reduces politics, news, history, and other serious topics to entertainment. He worried that culture would decline if the people became an audience and their public business a "vaudeville act." Postman also argued that television is destroying the "serious and rational public conversation" that was sustained for centuries by the printing press.

Postman was a progressive, a liberal but in the classic sense and he foresaw the dangers that faced American culture due to manipulation of our news/information providers.

There is no doubt that much of what we see in the MSM is outright manipulation. This is presented through journalism schools as "Advocacy Journalism." Definition:
Advocacy journalism is a genre of journalism that, unlike propaganda, is fact-based, but supports a specific point of view on an issue.
IMHO advocacy journalism accomplishes the exact same purpose as propaganda. It is more insidious and due to the dumbing down of the population, more effective. Out and out lies can be exposed for what they are, but fact-based manipulation just leads to arguments and division.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Flowing Curves Of Beauty

Wife: "I love you."
Me: "Is that you or the wine talking?"
Wife: "That's me talking to the wine."

Friday, November 23, 2018

Auburn Tigers Vs Alabama Crimson Tide: 2018 Iron Bowl

The state of Alabama got two holidays this week:  Thanksgiving Day and the 83rd Iron Bowl. 

The Auburn-Alabama rivalry has always been a heated and bitter contest, but something is coming this time:  REVENGE.

Coach Saban won’t have to remind his players about last year. Nope. No sir.  They’ll want their reckoning.

The Crimson Tide has never lost two in a row to Auburn. Defeat has been followed by a victory scoring an average of 25 points and will likely be up by that much by halftime.

War Buzzard fans, buoyed by their defeat of the Tide in last year’s Iron Bowl contest, believe they can ruin their most hated rival’s chances of getting into the College Football Playoffs.

Did they hear what ESPN analyst Trevor Matich said about Saturday’s Iron Bowl? “Literally, if a spaceship comes down and abducts the entire Alabama team, Auburn would have a chance.”

Head Coach Gus Malzahn is 2-3 against Coach Saban’s Murderball in his six years with the Tigers.

Bama QB Tua Tagovailoa is not Hurts, Blake Sims or Jake Coker.  He broke A.J. McCarron’s single season touchdown record against The Citadel last Saturday passing for 340 yards and 4 TDs. On the season, he’s thrown for 2,865 yards, 31 TDs and just two INTs. He’s also added four rushing TDs.

There are other rivalry games:

No. 13 Florida at Florida State (who cares?)
No. 4 Michigan at No. 10 Ohio State (Go Buckeyes!)
Georgia Tech at No. 5 Georgia (who cares?)
South Carolina at No. 2 Clemson (Go Gamecocks!)
No. 3 Notre Dame at USC (Go Trojans!)