Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Weekly Standard: A Wave Hit It And The Front Fell Off

The Weekly Standard, [clears throat] the “conservative magazine” that has stubbornly clung to an anti-Trump stance, is expected to fold unless an investor swoops in to save it.

Media DC, a subsidiary of Philip Anschutz’s Clarity Media Group, did nothing on Wednesday to tamp down reports of the Weekly Standard’s imminent demise.

The Chairman of Media DC has asked to meet with Editor-In-Chief Stephen F. Hayes late next week and wants the entire staff of the publication to be available for the meeting.

Writers for Cap’n Bill’s cruise line and toilet paper dispenser have written fundraising copy for disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, called for gun control, praised censorship of conservatives and endorsed pro-abortion Democrats.

Cap’n Bill himself has said he is building a "war machine" within the Republican Party to challenge President Trump's 2020 reelection campaign with possible candidates Ohio Governor John “The Mailman’s Son” Kasich, Sen. Jeff “Cuck” Flake and Sen. Ben “Turncoat” Sasse of Nebraska.

Even to this casual observer, Kristol and his dreary band of NeverTrump foot soldiers pray incessantly the Mueller probe will lead to the impeachment and removal of the president.

I look forward with great delight to the sinking of the S.S. Cuck.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are honored once again by the linky-love of Doug Ross.

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