Ever since Billy
Crystal passed the baton as emcee of the Oscars in 2004, the Academy has
struggled to find the right person to host what has become garbage television.
Those who succeeded
Crystal have vowed never to do it again.
Contrast that with the glory days of the Oscars when Johnny Carson
hosted five times, Crystal nine times and Bob Hope an unprecedented eighteen
Nowadays, the host is expected to boost the ratings of the annual
ceremony that spent 20 years kissing Harvey Weinstein’s ass, be funny without
being tawdry, topical without being controversial and politically savvy without
being too partisan.
Comedian Kevin Hart stepped
down as Oscars host just two days after he was named in the role,
amid anger over a series of mostly deleted homophobic tweets he posted from
2009 to 2011.
Hollywood is full of
hypocrites and knee-jerk political activism with deep ties to the Democrat
Party and I think its hysterically funny the Academy is scrambling to find a “suitable
candidate” amid concerns the ceremony’s ratings continue to sink like a stone.
Maybe Hollywood should enter
into a contract with Boston Dynamics to create a funnybot that would supply
inoffensive humor to the perpetually aggrieved or better still, they could stop
giving themselves so many meaningless awards.
The Babylon Bee tweeted
an interesting solution:
Oscars To Be Hosted By Boom Box Playing Inoffensive, Calming Ambient Noisehttps://t.co/amZHJfvs83 pic.twitter.com/dLkDK3qVD2— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) December 7, 2018