Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Oh Yeah, What Do They Say About Liars?

Figures don't lie, but liars don't figure.

Numbers are funny things.

Funny because, like a Spanish transgender cross-dressing drag beauty queen, you can dress them up as you like to make a point.

Even if that point is perverse and a complete lie.

John Stossel presents such a lie.
You've probably heard that America has the most mass shootings in the world. That's often given as a reason for more gun control.  
But economist John Lott looked into that claim and he says it's a myth based on one bogus study. 
"The United States has the most mass shootings by far the most public mass shootings You don’t see murder on this kind of scale with this kind of frequency in any other advanced nation on Earth."
Where’d that claim come from? 
Obama, and everyone, base it on -- A study done by University of Alabama Professor Adam Lankford.
Watch the short video segment here.