Thursday, June 4, 2020

The End

The decision I’ve made today has been a long time coming. I started blogging back in 2008 thinking my words combined with clever Photoshops™, political cartoons, a blogroll of fellow conservatives in the blogosphere and funny videos as a change of pace for my readers would somehow make a difference in a sick and twisted world.

It has not.

I have been at this labor of love for twelve years.  I’ve made a lot of friends along the way.  They were a support system that was invaluable to me and I can never thank them enough for their guidance and counsel.

The world is burning all around us.  Just when I thought things in this country were actually starting to turn around after the disastrous eight years of the Obama Administration, I learned along with you all that the Deep State in all it’s ugly forms cannot be rooted out.

Crazies are running the world. America is burning.  The lawless have seized control of our streets.  The pandemic that gripped our nation months ago seems to matter no more.

I’m tired of fighting what to me appears to be a losing battle.  I always knew this humble little blog was never going to make a big splash in the ether.  All I wanted out of it was to speak on subjects that mattered to you and me.

I’ve said it all in many ways again and again and again.  Nothing changes. Nothing.

I want to thank all our readers and Proof who consented years ago to co-blog here whenever I took a few weeks off to visit a long-time friend.

I have never been a quitter; but this time—this moment in time—has me disillusioned. The mainstream media and partisan interests who profit from undermining American culture have sucked the life out of this blog.

I wish all of you the very best. I thank you for visiting here from time to time.  There are many conservative websites that trudge through the bullshit to give you the news you seek. It’s been a good run, but the run is over.

I will still be online and hope you will follow me on Twitter at this link.

Be well. Stay free. And God bless you all.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Flowing Curves Of Beauty

When I was a kid “The Server Is Down” meant your waitress was depressed.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Seems Like Today Is Not Suited For Satire

Saturdays are usually reserved for satire here on this lowly little blog. I’ve been up during the wee hours of the morning watching what can only be deigned insanity.

Throughout our nation, in cities large and small, the aggrieved have been spurred on by lawless Antifa thugs to riot and vandalize our communities and threaten the safety and security of its citizens because of a cop gone bad in Minneapolis.

Around midnight the Secret Service had to put the White House in lockdown and don riot gear to deal with the protesters who had converged at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The manner in which the Secret Service dispersed the protesters can only be described as righteous and swift.  A stark contrast to the way the incompetent leaders of Minneapolis and Atlanta approached the rioters.

Vandals outside of the Atlanta headquarters of CNN spray painted graffiti on the networks' logo and broke lobby windows. Others outside lobbed water bottles, rocks and flash bangs according some sources while CNN employees watched in fear from inside the building. Several police cars had windows broken and a few were set on fire.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Free And Diverse Speech Online

President Trump traveled to Cape Canaveral for the historic launching of two American astronauts from American soil in an America rocket for the first time in nearly a decade.  NASA and SpaceX had to postpone the launch due to inclement weather.

On the return flight to Washington, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced to reporters while on Air Force One that the President plans to sign an executive order today aimed at social media companies that stifle, even censor conservative voices on their platform.

The President and his supporters were outraged when Twitter labeled a pair of his tweets about mail-in ballots with a fact-checking notice for the first time on Tuesday.  He pledged then that “big action” would follow.

The EO seeks to target the online industry's prized liability shield over user-generated content, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The 1996 law broadly protects websites from lawsuits over what their users post, and for taking good-faith efforts to curb illicit material.

Sen. Josh Hawley (Mo.) wrote in a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Wednesday the company's “decision to editorialize regarding the content of political speech raises questions about why Twitter should continue receiving special status and special immunity from publisher liability under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. "And he later teased on social media plans for a separate proposal to "end these special government giveaways."

"If Twitter wants to editorialize and comment on users’ posts, it should be divested of its special status under federal law (Section 230) and forced to play by same rules as all other publishers. Fair is fair," Hawley tweeted.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New York Times Publishes Names of People Who Died of COVID-19 on Entire Front Page

Saved themselves the embarrassment of filling the front page with stories they'd have to retract in a day or two, I guess!

At the risk of being accused of "whataboutism", I don't recall the NYT filling the front page of their Sunday paper with the names of H1N1 victims? But it reminded me of something else, towards the end of the Bush Administration. The NYT published the names of all the soldiers who had died in Bush's war! It was a terrible thing, the media decried!~ All those soldiers' lives lost! Nightline did a special edition of nothing but Ted Koppel reading the names of those who had died in Iraq.
"Ted Koppel solemnly read aloud the names of 721 U.S. servicemen and women killed in the Iraq war during an unusual edition of "Nightline" Friday. Koppel's recitation - illustrated with corresponding photo, military branch, rank and age of each of the fallen since March 19, 2003 - occupied the expanded 40-minute program. There was no music, no graphic flourishes. Name followed name, photo followed photo..."
Doonesbury in the "funny papers", printed the list of soldiers killed in the Iraqi war. The "anti-war" movement was flourishing. Cindy Shehan camped outside of Bush's ranch in Texas. The media declared the ultimate right of a woman who had lost a son to combat to protest the war! These anti-war types were the genuine article! And really, really concerned about this...

...up until 2009. A new president...a Democrat president was inaugurated, and like the morning mists burned away by the blazing noonday sun...the anti-war liberals all disappeared! Well, Cindy Sheehan tried to extend her 15 minutes of fame by running for office in California, but no one wanted to interview her anymore, and her brief candidacy was swept away by a tsunami of apathy towards the plight of the U.S. soldier.

Obama ramped up activity in Afghanistan, yet saddled the military with near impossible Rules of Engagement, and the casualty count in Afghanistan started to rise precipitously. All with nary a peep from the anti-war Left. It was as if, liberals used the deaths of Americans to try to score points against their political opponents, but as a rule, just didn't give a damn otherwise!

It appears that the exact same thing is happening here. If somehow Trump can be associated with all these deaths, the liberals hope to score points in November. The "Paper of Record" never ran a front page of H1N1 deaths, or mounting casualties in Afghanistan or calling them "grim milestones" because a liberal was in office. Wouldn't want to embarrass him, don'tcha know?

But "Trump is Hitler", so all's fair!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Flowing Curves Of Beauty

A teacher asked her students to tell the class what their dads did for work. Little Johnny said, “My dad is a gay escort who dates men for money.”

After class, the teacher asked, “Is your dad really an escort? Johnny said, “No he’s a CNN reporter, but I was too embarrassed to say it.”

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Saturday Satire: Plantation Joe Edition

I firmly believe we witnessed a seismic shift in the political landscape yesterday following the online interview between Charlamagne Tha God and former Vice President Joe Biden on The Breakfast Club.

It was towards the end of the interview that Biden said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or for Trump, then you ain’t black.”

The backlash was immediate.

Symone Sanders, Biden’s campaign adviser, defended Biden stressing, “The comments made at the end of The Breakfast Club interview were in jest, but let’s be clear about what the VP was saying:  he was making the distinction that he would put his record with the African American community up against Trump’s any day. Period.”

If you listen to the interview, you will hear a Biden staffer interrupt the radio host attempting to cut short the interview saying, “That’s really our time, I apologize.”

Charlamagne declared, “You can’t do that to black media.”  He then added, “Listen, you’ve got to come see us when you come to New York, VP Biden. It’s a long way until November. We’ve got more questions.”

That was the moment Biden committed the unforgiveable sin. “You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

The firestorm raged for hours.

At 3:32 PM, CBS reporter Ed O'Keefe tweeted that Biden had apologized on a call of black business leaders with the US Black Chambers (USBC): "I should not have been so cavalier. I've never, never, ever taken the African American community for granted. I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy. No one should have to vote for any party based on their race, their religion, their background."

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan once said, “Blacks are like mannequins in the shopping mall of democracy.”

You and I might not agree with that statement, but when Joe Biden has a terminal case of absurd verbal diarrhea, is it any wonder Calypso Louie has such a following.

The Breakfast Club put up a poll on Twitter and the final results are devastating for Plantation Joe:


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Quid Pro Joe

Ukraine is back in the news.  President Volodymyr Zelensky said Wednesday prosecutors have opened a criminal inquiry into tapes that were leaked featuring former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and former Vice President Joe Biden discussing a $1 billion loan guarantee in exchange for “keeping Burisma’s schemes and international corruption quiet.”

Biden is also on another tape boasting about the quid pro quo in 2018 linking the firing of Prosecutor General Victor Shokin to the loan.  The quid pro quo was hatched solely to prevent investigating Burisma, on whose board his son Hunter Biden served.

Biden can be heard making the following comments in the recording:
“This is getting very, very close. What I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get into the position where he thinks he’s about to buy into a situation where the financial system is about to collapse, where he is going to be looking to pour more money into Ukraine. That’s how he’ll think about it before he gets sophisticated enough to know details.”
Democrats are painting this revelation as a distraction and Republicans should be focusing on the federal response to the Chinese Lung Rot pandemic.  Naturally, the Biden campaign denies any wrongdoing on the part of Basement Biden.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A “Brief” Unsettling Dream

CNN’s Brian Stelter has largely ignored Tara Reade's bombshell allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s. Media watchers took notice saying a brief mention in his newsletter and a single tweet do not compare to his effusive coverage of Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault in 2018.

Strange that Bill, that’s what a group of memesmiths are now calling him, had sleazeball attorney Michael Avenatti on his show an insufferable number of times claiming, “My thesis back then, which still holds, is that all future US presidents will be television stars of some sort. TV star power will be a prerequisite for the presidency. [That's why] I told Avenatti ‘one reason I'm taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news.’”

It’s curious to me that Tater has chosen to remain silent when old footage was unearthed on his network showing Reade’s mother discussing her daughter’s claims on Larry King Live.

On Tuesday, Tater took to Twitter writing, “Matt Lauer read Ronan Farrow’s ‘Catch and Kill’. He says ‘there are four primary ways in which Ronan betrayed the truth in writing his book.’ And he details them in this new column for @Mediaite.”

He caught shit over that and tweeted a weak sauce reply:
Now, if the hushed rumors that are circulating are true, Farrow is “working” on an exposé of the Reade/Biden scandal and it won’t be pretty for the guy who refuses to leave his basement bunker. 

This may be the central premise behind Tater promoting Lauer’s critique of Farrow’s Pulitzer-winning investigative book “Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators”.

Matt Lauer is in no position to critique journalistic credibility, yet he arrogantly thinks he does.

I’m waiting for the Twitter Gestapo to either put me in Twitter jail or suspend my account for this tweet: 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Bedwetter

Fox Business Network host Neil Cavuto was shocked, shocked I tell you, over President Trump’s nonchalant announcement Monday that he is taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc as a preventative measure against the pandemic Chinese Lung Rot.

“Whatever benefit the President says this has — and certainly has had for those suffering from malaria, dealing with lupus — this is a leap that should not be taken casually by those watching at home or assuming, ‘well, the President of the United States says it’s okay.”

“Those who took it, in a vulnerable population, including those with respiratory or other conditions, they died. I want to stress again — they died. If you are in a risky population here and you are taking this as a preventative treatment to ward off the virus or, in a worst-case scenario, you are dealing with the virus, and you are in this vulnerable population, it will kill you. I cannot stress that enough. This will kill you.”

For the record, President Trump receives the highest caliber medical care on planet Earth.  You can read the Physician to the President Dr. Sean Conley’s memo regarding his taking the drug.
At least two White House staffers tested positive for the coronavirus this month, both of whom had access to the President: his Navy valet who serves him meals and Vice President Mike Pence's Press Secretary Katie Miller.

I want to point out that “Karen” Cavuto interviewed Dr. Bob Lahita who towed the fear-mongering line we’ve all heard for weeks now. 
But then those dire warnings were torched when Dr. Janette Nesheiwat declared she thought the President’s decision to try the drug as a preventative measure was “very smart.” She added, “I think it is good to have this medication in our toolbox along with remdesivir while we wait for a vaccine to become approved.” 
There is no such thing as an infallible doctor .

It is abundantly clear that COVID-19 has become highly politicized.  It is frightening to think that a patient/physician decision on a regimen of treatment must become a political football.
Take for instance the interference being run against Dallas physician, Dr. Ivette Lozano.

Lozano told Texas Scorecard she encountered the loss of liberty in her medical practice as she treated patients infected with the coronavirus. “One hundred percent of my patients have recovered very nicely,” she said. “Within 24 to 48 hours, all symptoms are gone with medications that cost about $25-30 in pharmacies.”

Lozano soon found herself hitting a brick wall in the form of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. “All of these pharmacies, and all of these pharmacists, have requested that when I write that prescription for hydroxychloroquine, it be submitted with a diagnosis or the medication is not filled,” Lozano said. “The pharmacy board actually passed a mandate for the pharmacist that every time this medication is written, you have to ask and document the actual diagnosis.”

That mandate is unlawful according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996.

The bottom line is do not take any medication without consulting with your primary care physician or specialist first.

I used to write “Be well” whenever I would post comments at blogs I frequently visit at the height of this god-awful pandemic.  I no longer do so.  Instead, I write “Be free.”


Monday, May 18, 2020

Flowing Curves Of Beauty

Buffalo, cattle and elephants have proven it's impossible to lose weight by eating salad and walking.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Saturday Satire

On Thursday, MSNBC’s resident lunatic, Lawrence O’Donnell hosted “A Last Word Special: Joe Biden with Stacey Abrams”.  This was little more than a casting call for the morbidly obese, gap-toothed pushy broad who is weaseling her way into Uncle Joe’s VP selection.

“Only in America, is jogging in 2020 while black and sleeping while black a cause for killing," Abrams said. "Our ability to vote is exactly how to solve one of the challenges that the Vice President lifts up—we have to have the ability to elect district attorneys who actually respect our people, that we can elect people as our sheriffs that actually execute laws properly. That is what we have to take to the voting booth in November and into the presidency and into the White House in January."

Democrats should be wary if they expect her to be Joe’s caretaker while in office.  Joe will starve to death because this gal can pack away the snacks.

Poor Joe Biden.  He’s grounded by the coronavirus and facing tough questions about his role in the “Obamagate” scandal that could keep him in his basement all summer.

Biden is one of several Obama Administration officials who asked to “unmask” the identity of former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in late 2016 and early 2017, when then-President-Elect Trump was about to take power.

"I was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into Flynn while I was in office. Period. Not one single time."

My reference to Spy Vs Spy may be a little too much boomer for some, but Biden has never been good at answering uncomfortable questions.  Fact is, any damned question can trip him up.  Better stay in that basement Joe.  It’s not safe to come out and I’m not talking about the Chinese Lung Rot.

President Trump pressed Sen. Lindsey Graham who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee to call The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer to testify about the attempted coup against his presidency and the efforts to unmask Gen. Mike Flynn. 
The list of Obama officials who requested to unmask Flynn’s identity included Biden, Comey, Brennan, Clapper and then-Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.  The list was declassified by Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Rick Grenell.  Unfortunately, Miss Graham reverted to his former McCain ask-kissing days expressing reluctance to call the former president to testify.

The list of Obama officials who requested to unmask Flynn’s identity included Biden, Comey, Brennan, Clapper and then-Chief of Staff Denis McDonough. The list was declassified by Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Rick Grenell.  Unfortunately, Miss Graham reverted to his former McCain ask-kissing days expressing reluctance to call the former president to testify.

In July of 2019, Vice President Mike Pence was at Cape Canaveral to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing in 1969.  He said, “If Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins are not heroes, then there are no heroes. Apollo 11 is the only event in the 20th century that stands a chance of being widely remembered in 30th century.”

I hard to argue with his assessment unless you’re talking about Capt. Mark Kelly.

Kelly, an astronaut himself and husband to Gabby Giffords, is running for Senate from the state of Arizona.  He’s running as a Democrat.  His party affiliation is hardly the problem.  His allegiance to America has come under scrutiny.

Coming at a time of heightened tensions between President Trump and the Communist Chinese government, we are learning Kelly’s company spent years flaunting its ties to Chinese investors Tencent and WeChat.  Both companies are guilty of espionage.  The good people of Arizona and this nation cannot trust Kelly to deliver on his promises or keep America safe from communist influence.

The worst part of Kelly’s relationship with China is his company's hot air balloons take better surveillance photos of the earth than satellites. And now he’s given a stake in that technology to Red China.

The contest between Kelly and Martha McSally is among the handful of races nationally expected to determine control of the Senate next year.  I want Arizonans to take heed of this disturbing revelation and cast their votes for McSally.  His betrayal of America cannot stand. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Calendar Girls Of Creepy Uncle Joe: Part 2

We continue with the calendar pages of Biden’s Babes that were part of the project I’ve been working on with one of the Rapid Response Directors for the Congressional Leadership Fund Super PAC.  Hope you enjoy them!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Calendar Girls Of Creepy Uncle Joe

Yesterday, I started working on a project in association with one of the Rapid Response Directors for the Congressional Leadership Fund Super PAC.  CLF is dedicated to winning a Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

When the New York Times reported that Joe Biden “likened selecting a running mate to deciding among calendar models,” social media lit up like a Christmas tree.

The Times described Biden’s evaluation as a three-category process that includes “Mr. August” as a shot of momentum in the summer, a “Mr. October” as a reliable and effective campaigner for the fall or a “Mr. January” as a governing partner.

The campaign’s “blunder” is just one in a stream of missteps given Biden’s trouble surrounding the Tara Reade allegations and the fact he declared on numerous occasions he would pick a female to join him at the top of the Democrat ticket.

So we had some fun creating calendar pages for the first five months of the year.  They appear below.  We pick up where we left off with the rest of the year later today.  Make sure you read some of the entries inserted into the dates.  I think you’ll get a good laugh.