Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Calendar Girls Of Creepy Uncle Joe

Yesterday, I started working on a project in association with one of the Rapid Response Directors for the Congressional Leadership Fund Super PAC.  CLF is dedicated to winning a Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

When the New York Times reported that Joe Biden “likened selecting a running mate to deciding among calendar models,” social media lit up like a Christmas tree.

The Times described Biden’s evaluation as a three-category process that includes “Mr. August” as a shot of momentum in the summer, a “Mr. October” as a reliable and effective campaigner for the fall or a “Mr. January” as a governing partner.

The campaign’s “blunder” is just one in a stream of missteps given Biden’s trouble surrounding the Tara Reade allegations and the fact he declared on numerous occasions he would pick a female to join him at the top of the Democrat ticket.

So we had some fun creating calendar pages for the first five months of the year.  They appear below.  We pick up where we left off with the rest of the year later today.  Make sure you read some of the entries inserted into the dates.  I think you’ll get a good laugh.