Thursday, June 4, 2020

The End

The decision I’ve made today has been a long time coming. I started blogging back in 2008 thinking my words combined with clever Photoshops™, political cartoons, a blogroll of fellow conservatives in the blogosphere and funny videos as a change of pace for my readers would somehow make a difference in a sick and twisted world.

It has not.

I have been at this labor of love for twelve years.  I’ve made a lot of friends along the way.  They were a support system that was invaluable to me and I can never thank them enough for their guidance and counsel.

The world is burning all around us.  Just when I thought things in this country were actually starting to turn around after the disastrous eight years of the Obama Administration, I learned along with you all that the Deep State in all it’s ugly forms cannot be rooted out.

Crazies are running the world. America is burning.  The lawless have seized control of our streets.  The pandemic that gripped our nation months ago seems to matter no more.

I’m tired of fighting what to me appears to be a losing battle.  I always knew this humble little blog was never going to make a big splash in the ether.  All I wanted out of it was to speak on subjects that mattered to you and me.

I’ve said it all in many ways again and again and again.  Nothing changes. Nothing.

I want to thank all our readers and Proof who consented years ago to co-blog here whenever I took a few weeks off to visit a long-time friend.

I have never been a quitter; but this time—this moment in time—has me disillusioned. The mainstream media and partisan interests who profit from undermining American culture have sucked the life out of this blog.

I wish all of you the very best. I thank you for visiting here from time to time.  There are many conservative websites that trudge through the bullshit to give you the news you seek. It’s been a good run, but the run is over.

I will still be online and hope you will follow me on Twitter at this link.

Be well. Stay free. And God bless you all.