Friday, September 9, 2016

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream

Blogger friend Diogenes had a clever Photoshop™ posted at her place that tickled my funny bone.

I decided to pile on a bit.  Remember the 1979 science-fiction horror film Alien?  Of course you do.  Just when the plucky space trucker, Kane, thought he had emerged from a close encounter with the “facehugger” no worse for wear the crew was having dinner aboard the spacecraft Nostromo when the critter bursts out of his chest creating a visceral reaction on the audience and making it one of the most shocking scenes in horror film history.

Diogenes created an image of the “facehugger” popping out of Granny Clinton’s chest “confirming” the health rumors swirling around her.

One commenter noted “He’s got her eyes…and liver and spleen!”  Another exclaimed, “It does look a lot like mama.”

BINGO!  A new Photoshop™ was born.  Family reunions often begin at the airport don’t they?

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