Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Slacker Post

My little furkid Sophie asleep on her woobie
It’s been quite a week.  Snowfall on Tuesday that didn’t amount to much followed on Wednesday by a “Snowpocalypse” that continued through late afternoon on Thursday dumping 11 inches of white stuff where I live.  My area escaped the ice storm that caused severe damage south of me.

Friday, as you know, was Valentine’s Day.  At approximately 10:23 PM, an earthquake struck Edgefield, SC and seismologists said the 4.1 magnitude tremblor could be felt as far west as Atlanta and as far north as Hickory, NC.  The little burg is some 60 miles north and west of where I live.

I didn’t know about it until some of my co-workers were discussing it the following day at work.  Must’ve slept through it I guess.

Mitt Romney believes former President Bill Clinton "embarrassed the nation" with the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but doesn't think it will be a factor in 2016 if Hillary Clinton runs for president.

The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer is spending a three-day weekend at Sunnylands, the luxurious 200-acre estate near Palm Springs, CA to play golf with three buddies and binge on TV while Chewbacca enjoys her third consecutive trip to Aspen over the President’s Day weekend.

I read with interest an article about a new treatment for sleep apnea.  I was recently diagnosed with moderate obstructive sleep apnea.  I have not yet met with the sleep doctor who will prescribe which CPAP I will be given and make the necessary adjustments to the forced air settings that will work best for my degree of apnea.

U.S. Secretary of State John “Mr. Reporting for Duty” Kerry on Sunday called climate change perhaps the world's "most fearsome" destructive weapon and mocked those who deny its existence or question its causes, comparing them to people who insist the Earth is flat.

Facebook is now offering its users numerous options to present their gender identity to their Facebook freaks friends in the same way they do in the real world.  Oh joy!

Taco Bell is not a thing you plan to eat, per se. After a few drinks or a bad day, it just sort of happens.  The company plans to release a mobile ordering app so that almost as soon as you experience a spontaneous craving for a Cheesy Gordita Crunch, you will be able order it with a few taps on your Smartphone.

It’s tough when one of your best friends starts dating a dud. Keep your mouth shut, and you feel like a bad friend. Say something about it, and they’re liable to run back to their poorly chosen lover’s arms quicker than ever.

Now, there’s a new way to get that criticism out of your system anonymously. Forever NOT lets you bet on how long your friends’ relationships will last and give the ill-fated paramours feedback, all anonymously.

Oh well, even love unreturned has its rainbow.

I think I’ll get back to enjoying my slacker Sunday.  The timer is going off on my 7-layer dip with chicken.  Time to put some tortilla chips in a bowl and dig in.  I think I’ll follow that up with some Caramel Cookie Crunch gelato and join the pup on the couch and watch me some Olympics.  Who gives a shit if that small, odd, chill-faced man who likes to pose menacingly shirtless in order to seem much taller than he actually is is boning that gymnast who is 30 years his junior?

Enjoy your day.