Thursday, January 3, 2013

The PUK Awards Cage Match #8

Staying true to my word about keeping my readers up-to-date on the chase for a winner in the 2012 PUK Awards going on at iOwnTheWorld, here’s the very latest:

Cage Match #7 was a razor-thin victory for The People’s CubeDaletoons lost by a mere three votes.  Big Fur Hat cautions that every vote counts.  This is important because BFH is absolutely in love with the Alfred E. Neuman as Barack Obama graphic that appears to have been created by Mataleone which is being featured in Cage Match #8.

For those of you who may not have been following the action, iOwnTheWorld is holding “cage matches” to determine which website has created the best conservative agitprop for the year in an effort to present the winner with the coveted PUK Award.

The contest began with 28 finalists and now the contestants have been whittled down to 12.

Cage Match No. 8 is going on right now through 8PM ET tomorrow.  It features two marvelous images; one by Mataleone and the other by the very popular  Maksim of The People’s Cube.  Each cage match begins at 8PM ET every night and will last for 24 hours.

Please go over to iOwnTheWorldgo the comments section and click the thumbs up icon to vote for your favorite image.

I hope that some of my other entries make an appearance in future cage matches and if they do, you can bet I’ll let you know about them.

This has been a lot of fun and very gratifying to know that so many liked my work enough to cast their votes for them.  I hope that if future cage matches include some of my stuff that you will be kind of enough to give it a “thumbs up.”

Have a great day and don’t forget to vote.

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