Amy Chozick, writing for The New
York Times Magazine opened with this absurd question about Hillary
“The gravitational pull of a possible 2016 campaign is bringing all the old Clinton characters into her orbit. Can she make the stars align, or will chaos prevail?”
The image on the cover of the magazine presented ‘ol Cankles
Clinton with her face digitally altered into an extraterrestrial orb. Thankfully, her cankles were not integrated
into the photoshoppery.
What ensued was a blogosphere ablaze with alterations to the
mag’s cover. Poor Hillary. All manner of “take me to your planet” memes
emerged. What these ‘chops missed was
the shameful way in which Hillary “Rotten” Clinton allowed four innocent
Americans to be murdered by savages in Benghazi. SooperMexican
got it right. So did the Earl
of Taint.
Ms. Chozick sickened me with her words:
“[Clinton] spent four years at the State Department displaying great political and diplomatic and managerial skill, and in that process shed much of the baggage generally associated with the Clintons.”
The money quote from the piece is
this: “How can Clinton, who is 66, make
American voters think about something other than her fraught personal and
political past?”
That’s simple—form an initiative
called Correct The Record to defend her against media attacks.
If she’s so GD great politically,
diplomatically and managerially why would there be a prerequisite to
defend her? One word: BENGHAZI.
Mainstream media poodles have
already endorsed her and a gaggle of lefty pundits have anointed her with the
oils of inevitability.
The families of the four dead
Americans have never gotten so much as an apology for her cowardice. The New
York Times may create a sterilized biography of this Bitch-of-Benghazi with
her bloated head floating in outer space putting the universe on notice, but
the blood of innocents will not be forgotten by the American people.
So my ‘chop depicts an astronaut
marooned to die a slow death in the universe Planet Hillary inhabits just like
Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods did in that
Benghazi pesthole infested with godless savages.