Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Slacker Post

I have never cared to watch the Pro Bowl.  I guess people watch the thing because they realize their couch potato days are numbered.

According to John Breech at CBS Sports, NFLPA President Domonique Foxworth and Commissioner Roger Goodell almost canceled the game.  After the 2012 Pro Bowl that had “everything but the effort,” the two reckoned the game was one colossal joke.

Legendary coach John Madden believes, "It's become an embarrassment, it's become a joke, and as they seek to improve it, it's become an even bigger joke"

So, besides the players sucking back Mai Tais and Pineapple Daiquiris, wearing puka shells, leis and Hawaiian shirts no real effort on the field of play is needed.  The winning team receives $53,000 for each player and the losers each receive $23,000.  It just ain’t real football people.

Speaking of slackers…it has been nearly a year since my neighbor who lives across the street had a tree snap about six feet from the ground. Fortunately, it fell away from their house but it did not completely come to rest on the ground.  The neighbor called her brother a couple of weeks afterward to cut the tree trunk and haul away the top of the tree.

What the brother left behind were the base of the tree that stood about six feet high and two long sections of trunk.

I expected that he would return to cut up the trunk into sections and haul that away as well.  Apparently, he adheres to the Slackers Credo of “I will never put off until tomorrow what I can forget about forever.”

During the course of these many months I have offered repeatedly to have my yard man dispose of the unsightly mess.  The last time I spoke to my neighbor about removing the tree I was told that the brother would be coming by to cut up the tree to use for firewood.  I wasn’t buying that.  Anybody and everybody knows you don’t burn pine wood in a fireplace.  The buildup of creosote in the chimney can burst into flame creating a frightening and dangerous event.

Sometime during my power nap today, someone came to my neighbor’s house and removed the tree.  I wonder what happened.  I had actually considered contacting the Code Enforcement Officer in my sleepy little burg about the fallen tree tomorrow.  I was relieved I didn’t have to do that.

I have been an epic slacker today myself.  I wanted to give my little furkid Sophie a bath and trim her coat in preparation for my gigantic Super Bowl Party coming up next Sunday.  Nope, I thought.  That’s too much of a commitment.  I needed to go to the grocery store.  Nope, I thought.  It’s too damn cold.  I’ll hop online and order a pizza and a 2-liter bottle of soda.  Couldn’t do it.  The website was offline for maintenance.  Who takes a Papa John’s Pizza website down for maintenance when there’s a football game on?  Oh yeah.  It’s the Pro Bowl.  Who gives a shit?

I was just about to slip on twenty layers of clothes and brave the cold to go get some fast food when the phone rang.  It was an old friend I hadn’t talked to in a while so we did some catching up and promised to get together soon.  I wasn’t in the mood to brave the cold so I checked out the Pay-Per-View movies and decided to take advantage of the free movie offer from DISH I received in the mail last week.  I watched “Reasonable Doubt”.  It was somewhat OK, but I was glad it was free, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Having had only two pieces of toast for breakfast, I was pretty darned hungry by now and decided to see if the pizza website was back up.  It was and I ordered a large with pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, black olives, jalapeno peppers, green peppers and extra cheese.

I ordered the large so that I could share some of it with Sophie.  She really likes pepperoni.

While I waited, I decided to check out the new Ranger Up T-shirts I’d seen in an email.  I fell in love with the “American Spartan” model and ordered it.

I think I’ll enjoy a bowl of Belgian Milk Chocolate gelato and hit the silks.  Hope tomorrow is more productive than today although I’m not complaining.  Now I don’t have to look at the pitiful tree trunk lying my neighbor’s yard, I didn’t watch the stinking Pro Bowl and I’ve got a cool T-shirt coming to Casa de Curmudgeon soon.

Life is good.