Politics is not a playground, it’s a
battlefield. Here’s some links to the news you can use from conservative
bloggers, not the corporate-controlled stenographers from Central Planning.
Part 3: Twelve
reasons not to vote for Obama.
A Jewish group
released a powerful anti-Obama ad.
is a death sentence under Shariah law, but it seems that, at least according to
the MSM and American liberals, that Chick-fil-a
is a far greater threat.
If the idea
behind last night’s three-hour, tour-de-force of complete crap was to
out-spectacle Beijing, then
sorry, Britain, you’ve failed. The entire thing, which supposedly was all
about the history of English Civilization, was short on history and chock-full
of Stagecraft 101 chintz.
all the while paying lip service to the outmoded model of
“objectivity” out of one side of their lavaliere, and out of the other,
never failing to show their fealty to both Barack Obama and whichever
tin-plated foreign tyrant gives them access to a live feed.
What can
Romney and Republicans say about Obama without
being called racist?
Krauthammer @krauthammer @pfeiffer44 I await Pfeiffer’s retraction and
Thank you,
Sarah, for bringing
out the best in them again.
There have to
be thousands of severely injured veterans who feel much the same as this
wounded Navy man. His protest was very personal, the hurt palpable, with no
attempt to draw attention to himself. Just as his service was selfless, so
is his protest. God bless him and all who have sacrificed so much for this
Let this be a lesson to anyone else
who might try to behave like an American instead of sucking the government teat
like an Obamunist.
International Olympic Committee's decision
to bow in dhimmitude to our Islamist masters and pretend the first shot across
our bow back in ancient history—the horrific Munich massacre of 1972 —
never happened…
You can attend
a university with your head covered, even with your face covered, but it gets
harder to attend class when your eyes are covered. If the trend means anything
in a decade Muslim feminism will
mean fighting for the right to keep one eye open in a religion that wants
everyone to keep their eyes shut.
The only other
nation I can think of who hangs its reputation as loudly and proudly on its
healthcare system is Cuba. CUBA. Do you hear that Britain? It's you and a
tiny, poverty-stricken island in the Caribbean. So
much for the great Empire.
We suspect it
had less to do with their impressions of fair and open competition, than the
chance to get their friends and relatives cushy high paying jobs.
The Little Ice
Age supposedly was down about 4 degrees, which destroyed crops and paved the
way for the Black Plague, huge long wars, revolutions, etc.
probably feminist
squirrels protesting the skimpy outfits.
None of the three
guys running the U.S. economy—President Barack Obama, Treasury Secretary Tim
Geithner, and National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling—has ever run a
business. But
this guy has.