As I write
this post it is Sunday. The Sabbath—a day of
rest and a time of worship—a quaint relic of a long-forgotten age.
around 1980, the rise of big-box stores like Wal-Mart, chain restaurants and
entertainment venues expanded commerce to seven days a week. The secularization of our American society
had a lot to do with tossing out the tradition of keeping the Sabbath Day holy,
but that’s a story for another time.
On July 16,
2012 when the Baptist Press
interviewed President and COO of Chick-fil-A®, a firestorm erupted. The controversy was set in motion when Dan
Cathy said he supported traditional marriage; that subversive belief that
marriage is between a man and woman. "We are very much supportive of the
family—the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led
business, and we are married to our first wives."
Atlanta, where
Chick-fil-A’s headquarters is located, is ranked eighth behind New York, Los
Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Phoenix, Houston and Seattle for the largest
population of gays in America. Yet,
not until Dan Cathy made his personal ideology known, did the “gay community”
run around with their hair on fire.
Inman Park and Little Five Points never uttered a peep of criticism
toward the restaurant chain which has been in existence since 1967 when it opened its
first restaurant in a suburban mall in Atlanta.
So, what we
have here are three American cities with a gay population who suddenly feel
outrage because Rahm Emanuel, Tom Menino and Ed Lee have declared an all out “chicken war.”
Steyn opines, “If you're a feminist or a gay or any of the other house pets
in the Democratic menagerie, you might want to look at Rahm Emanuel's
pirouette, and Menino's coziness with Islamic homophobia.”
Rahm “Deadfish”
Emanuel should worry more about his city’s murder rate which
is higher than the Third World metropolises of Mexico City and Sao Paolo. His Honor has lost control of the streets and
his desperation has
caused him to enlist the services of the infamous anti-Semite and Nation of
Islam leader, “Calypso Louie” Farrakhan.
Yeah, that’ll help.
When you need
the likes of Farrakhan to control the South and West side of Chicago, you truly
are the mayor of a shithole.
In Ed Lee’s corner of the world, San Francisco, where you can
abort children but you cannot
buy a goldfish, Lee has been implicated
in a major corruption scandal that could cost city taxpayers upwards of $16
million. His Honor tweeted, “Very
disappointed #ChickFilA doesn’t share San Francisco’s values & strong commitment
to equality for everyone.”
Hey Ed, you’ll pardon me for saying that your values ain’t
nothin’ to brag about and you should keep your pie hole closed and reopen it
only on the witness
So America, ignore these churlish little men in Chicago,
Boston and San Francisco. Why not join
the rest of us who genuinely enjoy eating in a restaurant that is clean and
serves scrumptious chicken sandwiches and lemonade so good it'll make you want to slap
your momma.
Here’s a thought:
Why not sport a We
♥ Chick-fil-A® decal on your car and
show the world you support a restaurant that closes on Sunday to give its
employees a day of rest, believes in operating debt-free and devotes a
percentage of its profits to community charities.