Saturday, July 28, 2012

Getting Hounded By Teh Won

The Houston Culture Map describes, in a most nauseating way, Teh Won’s latest email foray into begging for cash as being invited to sign an adorable e-card “complete with a Norman Rockwell-esque photograph of wide-eyed Malia and teeny-tiny Sasha helping their father blow out his birthday candles.”

This makes the eighth email in the last two weeks centered on this fool’s birthday.  Talk about hounding folks to death. Puh-leeze.
(Insert your name here) — 
My upcoming birthday next week could be the last one I celebrate as President of the United States, but that's not up to me—it's up to you. 
This July deadline is our most urgent yet, coming after two consecutive months of being significantly outraised by Romney and the Republicans. 
And if you pitch in $3 or whatever you can before midnight tonight, you and a guest will be automatically entered to join me at my birthday get-together next month.
The latest raffle by Teh Won’s re-election campaign offers a trip to his house on the south side of Chicago. 

On June 17, Obama campaign finance director Rufus Gifford e-mailed, “Have you ever gotten to do something so cool you’re almost jealous of yourself? Pretty sure this would count.”

Chicago, that toddlin’ town, where 240 people have been killed this year and where gang members outnumber the police.
The check’s in the mail, stupid.