Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Memorial Day Tribute
A special thanks to The
Looking Spoon for this brilliant and beautiful tribute.
Please watch the video embedded below. The lone Marine stands vigil in memory of those who have fallen and those who have yet to return.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Indian Princess Moonbat Feathers Stonewalls
Warren, after more than a week of playing hide and seek following the
revelation that she claimed to be 1/32nd Cherokee based solely on “family
lore”, was challenged
by a Fox 25 reporter in Boston. She
would not answer questions and even asked the reporter’s producer to stop. The producer said he couldn’t stop her in
Watch the
hilarity ensue as Warren tries valiantly to stonewall. It’ll give you a good chuckle.
The reason
Warren is so flummoxed is because she has come under fire for a minority
listing in two law school directories—Harvard Law and U Penn. She has not produced documents proving her
claim and the natives are restless.
A Cherokee
genealogist and historian, Twila Brown, believes that Warren needs to come
clean and admit that she has no evidence.
A spokesman
for Ms. Brown released a statement reading, "In the absence of any facts,
Elizabeth Warren continues to claim she is a Native American minority. She
needs to stop stonewalling and finally produce the records from the University
of Pennsylvania and Harvard that will show whether or not she or these schools
benefited in any way from this false information about her ancestry."
The report
from Fox 25 cites a Suffolk University poll which claims that the “Cherokee
issue” will not hurt Warren’s challenge for the Senate seat currently held by
Scott Brown.
That may very
well be true since Taxachusetts continued to re-elect the most liberal man in
the history of the Senate, Ted Kennedy, who famously left Mary Jo Kopechne
to drown in the car he drove off a bridge and the soon-to-be-retired and
openly gay Bawney Fwank.
#brettkimberlin: Will We Allow The Far Left To Kill The First Amendment?
![]() |
LEFT TO RIGHT: Barbra Streisand, Teresa Heinz Kerry, Brad Friedman, Neal Rauhauser, George Soros |
Are you like
me? I had never heard of Brett Coleman Kimberlin
until a few days ago. Now, unless you
spend every moment under a rock, you know that the infamous Speedway Bomber is
part of a nexus of evil involving some heavyweights—George Soros of the Tides
Foundation, ketchup heiress Teresa Heinz Kerry, fading star Barbra Streisand,
libtard blogger Brad Friedman, Democrat activist Neal Rauhauser and Fidelity Investments.
Here’s the
Mark Tapscott
at The Washington Examiner writes, “The
First Amendment is under intense attack from many points on the ideological
compass, but mostly from the far Left.”
“The enemies
of free speech and thought have lately turned to more subtle tools of
suppression than merely shouting down speakers. Among these are extortionary
threats to launch false charges of racism against companies that support
politically incorrect groups, such as the American Legislative Exchange
“But far more
sinister is the tactic adopted by Brett Kimberlin, an activist and the founder
of the group Velvet Revolution who was convicted in 1981 of exploding eight
bombs in 1978 in Speedway, Ind. One of his bombs blew off the leg of a man who
subsequently committed suicide.”
Kimberlin targets conservative bloggers like Aaron Worthing and Robert Stacy
McCain in Maryland, and Patrick Frey of Patterico's Pontifications in
California. Why? For publishing facts about Kimberlin's criminal record.”
harasses his targets by, among many other ways, filing false charges in courts
that require expensive, time-consuming litigation, disrupting his targets'
workplaces, and dropping dark hints about spouses and kids.”
Read the rest
of his piece here.
The less than
5’6” Kimberlin, so hungry for attention, finds himself in the searing, white-hot
spotlight of scrutiny.
An Army of
Davids has mounted up with wings like eagles and declared today, May 25, 2012,
Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day. The National Bloggers Club has set up
a website to aid Kimberlin’s victims.
Michelle Malkin has called
attention to the mainstream media’s remarkable unwillingness to report on this
terrifying story of swatting,
intimidation and death threats.
For more
background on these bizarre attacks on conservative bloggers, go read Matthew
Vadum’s post at Front
John Hawkins
of Right Wing News interviewed one of Kimberlin’s targets, Robert Stacy
McCain. RSM has some interesting
thoughts on Kimberlin’s
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Robert Stacy McCain: Postcards From The Edge
As you may
know by now, Robert Stacy McCain, is momentarily on the lam trying to keep his
family safe from Brett
Kimberlin AKA the Speedway Bomber.
If you don’t
know who this vicious creep is, you’ve got to read up on him here.
Wanting his
friends from far and wide across the blogosphere to know that he is safe and
sound, Stacy is sending postcards from exotic vacation spots.
I just received
this one from Italy’s Tower of Pisa.
Stacy cunningly wrote, “Always wanted to visit the Leaning Tower of
Pisa. Every picture I ever saw of the
thing had it leaning left. I am happy to
report it leans to the RIGHT.”
Please hit
Stacy’s tip
jar so he and his family can see the world and don’t be surprised if he
writes something pithy on the back of the postcard like, “The weather is
here. Wish you were beautiful.”
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Cory Booker: The Blasphemer And His Hostage Video
“This kind of
stuff is nauseating to me on both sides. It’s nauseating to the American
public. Enough is enough. Stop attacking private equity. Stop attacking
Jeremiah Wright.”
Not wanting to
“indict private equity” Booker continued, “It’s just we’re getting to a
ridiculous point in America, especially that I know I live in a state where
pension funds, unions and other people are investing in companies like Bain
Capital. If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a
lot to support businesses, to grow businesses. And this to me, I’m very
uncomfortable with.”
Caught with
their pants down, the Obama regime must have threatened the ambitious
surrogate because mere hours later he walked back his comments.
The Left went
apoplectic, especially
Chris “Tingles” Matthews. “I think
this was an act of sabotage. Whatever
the intention was, he was trashing the entire Obama campaign of the summer in
one appearance on Meet the Press.”
You can well
imagine that Obama, seen in this Photoshop™, is
ordering a horse’s head for Booker’s bed.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Right Jabs For May 21, 2012
Some of the
best from around the dextrosphere:
country that tore itself apart over waterboarding three confessed
terrorists who had an indirect hand in the murder of 3,000 Americans seems
ill-equipped to inflict the sort of damage on enemies that in the past made
them accept both defeat and redemption. War is now a matter of legality, or
nation-building before, not after, the enemy is fully defeated, and that means,
given the unchanging nature of man, that it is very difficult to win a war as
in the past.
has to be thus: for no one could be this amateurish, this ineffective, this
confused, inept and bungling, even deliberately so.
inside. Firewater out back.
There are
currently two
high profile cases of lawfare going on in the United States, by Democrats
with criminal backgrounds.
Everyone has
at least one gift of the Spirit, whether they know it or not. Some
can even sense the presence of evil, whether it’s the person next to you on
the subway or when someone enters a room.
in case you were wondering why Dear Leader has turned on supporter Jamie
Dimon, threatening investigations and new legislation when JP Morgan lost
less than 1% of their own money in a bad trade...
Isn’t that how all the
giants fall? When
they least expect it?
will we know when the Muslims have gotten all the land that they want? When
the violence stops. Everyone knows that agreements mean nothing. No matter how
many pieces of paper are signed, the bombs and rockets still keep bursting,
real ones that kill people, not fake ones that upset vice-presidents. The only
way to reach an agreement is by groping blindly in the dark, handing over
parcel after parcel of land, until the explosions stops or the Muslims fulfill
their original goal of pushing the Jews into the sea.
Obama has always been in favor of same-sex marriage, the chocolate ration
has always been 22 grams, and Oceania has always been at war with East Asia.
Wright has
made many inflammatory comments, including suggestions that the United States
deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Democrats
were greatly concerned in 2008 that Obama’s ties to Wright could derail his
The Founding
Fathers didn't say, "Obama
shalt not decree…"
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Obama In History
Team Obama does
the darndest things. Rory Cooper, of the
Heritage Foundation, noticed that they’ve begun rewriting presidential history by inserting references
to the errand boy sent by grocery clerks into the biographies of his predecessors.
John Hayward at Human
Events writes, “A rollicking 'Obama
In History' game of round-robin mockery erupted on Twitter, that fabled
social media service conceived by Calvin Coolidge and made significant by
Barack Obama. I suggested adding a blurb to Abraham Lincoln’s biography,
saluting the Emancipation Proclamation as history’s second gutsiest
The RNC set up a Tumbler page to poke fun at this
insipid move to glorify the idiot in the White House.
I couldn’t let this pass without offering my own version of
a poke in the eye.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Prince Of Fools
at Town Hall had this quote from Prager
Zeitungon, a Czech Republic newspaper, and it begged to be posted here:
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.”
“The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.”
Sunday, May 6, 2012
My Me Is Better Than Any Not Me Ever Could Be
rallies in the battleground states of Ohio and Virginia signaled the official
launch of Teh Won’s reelection. Compared to the breathless rallies of 2008, the
rallies were piddly
examples of slow-motion defeatism.
The errand boy
sent by grocery clerks pounced on Romney.
He never once, in his tired, cut-and-paste rhetoric, mentioned his
failed policies or lack of leadership; nor did he aim to. No mention of the $5 trillion dollars he’s
added to the national debt that we cannot hope to repay.
All we heard
was vote for me, because I am me and my me is better than any not me ever could
be and a colossal amount of blame-shifting, chest-thumping and huge helpings of
trash-talking and class-warring.
He has a
record now that he cannot defend without blaming everyone and everything but
himself or by making cowardly excuses.
His wife said,
while introducing him to a bunch of empty seats, “It sounds like you are
already fired up and ready to go.”
The #readytogo hashtag has been
hijacked by conservatives, God bless ‘em.
Ready to go? No thanks, I went
before I left the house.
The Brilliance Of The Looking Spoon
I stand in awe of the brilliant talent of The Looking
Obama Bounce Test is the end result of a tip from a regular visitor who
pointed to personal
checks that can be purchased online with the design of the errand boy sent
by grocery clerks.
Thinking at
first that a spoof might be the ticket, he went instead with “something that
was more unusual and potentially more fun.”
BOOM. We have a
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