Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Are The Never-Trumpers Dropping Acid Like Timothy Leary Now?

Christopher Bedford of The Federalist website wrote on Monday, “The Never-Trumpers are a joke kept alive by a structure of self-support. They haven’t been correct on a single thing in years yet continue to earn their supper and an invitation to the party by wholeheartedly agreeing with their new patrons. They predicted ruin when the President was nominated and doom when he was elected, all while his poll numbers have continued to tick upward. They prophesied the shattering of the Republican Party all while it has maintained near-historic discipline in the face of a unified Democrat-media assault. They assumed the end of the economy because America reacted to unfair international trade practices and terrible global disasters because Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord and killed Iran’s terrorist general.”

“All of their predictions are based on the conventional wisdom and assumptions of an insulted and excluded D.C. intelligentsia, and all are wrong. Indeed, Trump’s above decisions have resulted in the very things the Never-Trump Republicans once called for, including closing America’s sizable income gap and maintaining a strength and deterrence that are independent of entangling foreign powers.”

Enter turncoat Bill Kristol who has made some very odd attempts at reclaiming his mantle as someone conservatives should care about. First he founded The Bulwark, a website wholly devoted to taking down President Trump after his Weekly Standard went belly up.  Then he left the GOP lock, stock and barrel in reaction to the Senate’s 51-49 decision not to call witnesses in the President’s impeachment trial by declaring himself a Democrat.
What Cap’n Bill seems to be suggesting is conservatives and Republicans should feel compelled to abandon their core principles on abortion, gun rights, taxation, education, climate change policy and any other conservative and constitutional issues simply to get rid of Trump.

This idea that we should hand the entire government over to Toothy McBig Tits AOC and the Squad so Kristol can ride in on the back of Mitt Romney’s horse to reclaim the mantle of conservative leadership is a fevered acid dream reminiscent of Timothy Leary.

From The Bulwark:
“For the good of the country, Senator Romney should run for president as an independent.”

“With the Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders now the frontrunner and the political arsonist Donald Trump as the Republican incumbent, there is a yawning chasm that has never before existed in American politics. By retreating to their poles, our two major parties have left tens of millions of independents and moderate Democrats and Republicans unrepresented.”

The author of this drivel, Neal Simon (no, not the playwright), argues the odds are long for any independent candidate citing the arbitrary benchmark to qualify and access to sufficient capital to launch a campaign.  Simon also points out they lack the name recognition of being affiliated with the two major parties.

Did I mention the Never-Trumpers are dropping acid? “A Romney-Bloomberg ticket would be a first in modern American politics: A bipartisan unity ticket running under the banner of an independent third party.”

Simon says, “It would give both disgruntled Republicans who feel their party has become lost in Trump’s personality cult and Democrats who feel their party is lurching too far left towards a socialist revolution a voice on the ballot that reflects a popular idea of how the country should be run.”

Romney has been disinvited to the 2020 CPAC Convention, he’s been ostracized and excommunicated from the GOP.  Senators won’t sit with him at the lunch table according to Sen. Rand Paul.  He even faced a recall and censure vote in the Utah State House.

Bloomberg is now a prime target for his decades-long record of policy stances and insensitive remarks that have offended entire swaths of the electorate.

Kristol’s notion of Romney as his “savior” is preposterous, idiotic, absurd.