Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Twitter Has Locked My Account

I was incensed that filmmaker and fat fuck Michael Moore communicated directly with Iran on Sunday.  I created a meme depicting him as Jabba The Hutt, something I’m certain is nothing new and sent it to him.

Mere moments after I put up the tweet, the gestapo at Twitter accused me of violating their rules against “hateful conduct” explaining, “You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

On January 5, 2020 Moore tweeted, “I have just sent the Ayatollah of Iran a personal appeal asking him not to respond to our assassination of his top general with violence of any kind, but rather let me & millions of Americans fix this peacefully.”

An account on Twitter with the handle “Imam of Peace” replied to Moore in the following manner:

(1)You’ve just reached out to a terrorist dictator and chief financier of the largest network of Jihadists on this planet; in addition to violating the Logan Act. The part we find hilarious is that you actually think he will respond to you. That donkey thinks he’s God’s deputy on  Earth.”

(2)Also, you address your message to Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran. That guy died on the 3rd of June 1989. Your whole tweet and message is a mess from start to finish. The current Ayatollah is Khamenei and he has a Fatwa against Music—which you play for him at the start. What a fail...”

(3) “Also, Einstein, I just listened to the beginning of your message to Ayatollah Khamenai. You literally have music playing at the start of the podcast. The Ayatollah has a Fatwa against Music of all sorts. No one in the regime will even open it. A total and absolute fail.”

The Imam of Peace clearly got his point across to Moore, who this morning at 8:00 AM, tweeted his apology to Iran in Farsi for killing Qassem Soleimani.

The automatic Twitter translation reads, “I deeply regret the violence committed on our behalf by a man most Americans never voted for.”


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