Friday, March 1, 2019

We Are All Breitbart Now

Seven years ago, conservatives heard the shocking news that firebrand Andrew Breitbart had died suddenly at the age of 43.  It was a gut punch.

At Breitbart’s funeral Larry Solov, Andrew’s best friend, described him as a “reluctant cultural warrior.”  He added that he “fought to democratize and level the playing field of political discourse and the battlefield was the media and the Hollywood apparatus.”

Andrew said, “I am at war with the mainstream media because they portray themselves as objective observers of reality when they’re no such thing. They’re partisan critical theory hacks.  They have nothing but contempt for the American people.”

He was right.

Melissa MacKenzie at American Spectator wrote:
Why has it taken so long for the Right, and anyone interested in the truth, to see the truth about the Lefty-dominated culture? Why are the purported “Bulwark” guardians of the Right defending the Left and the media, purveyors of falsehoods and slander? 
One answer is they hate Donald Trump. Even more, they hate the voters who voted for Donald Trump. In this way, their aims are perfectly aligned with the Left. Destroying Trump and his supporters is a shared goal, truth be damned. 
Trump voters are right that a country, by definition, needs enforceable borders. They’re right that the culture is turning against devoutly religious people, especially devout Jews and Christians. They’re right that the media hates them. They’re right that the government is too all-powerful and used at the behest of the Left to harm those who disagree ideologically. They’re right that individual rights are getting lost in the corporate and government consolidated power. They’re right that America has played policeman to a world governed by thankless and effete leadership who refuse to carry their weight and pay their fair share for our protection. 
Most of all, they’re right that they are reviled by their supposed public servants and treated like the skunk that disrupted the garden party. They’re right that continuing in this contempt is unsustainable because their interests are worthy and deserve dignity and representation.