Friday, March 1, 2019

AOC’s Warning: Crawl On Your Bellies Or I Will Destroy You

On Thursday of this week, behind closed doors, “master legislator” Nancy Pelosi upbraided a group of Democrats who had the temerity to vote alongside Republicans on gun control legislation requiring ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to be notified if an illegal immigrant failed a background check to obtain a firearm.
Pelosi blew a gasket when 26 Democrats defied her when a motion to recommit allowed the legislation to pass.
According to a published report in The Washington Post Pelosi asked, “What is this? We are either a team or we’re not and we have to make that decision.”

The report goes on to say, “When one lawmaker talked about the peril of persistently voting with party leaders on these motions, Pelosi responded that the party stood ready to help team players: “We have a massive MASH operation and, frankly, it should be there for those who have the courage to take the vote.”

Publicly and privately, Pelosi has urged members to treat the Republican motions as a procedural gambit that should be routinely ignored. “Vote no — just vote no,” she told reporters Thursday, “because the fact is, a vote yes is to give leverage to the other side.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who was also in the closed-door meeting, warned those who had rejected the plea by Pelosi to join in obstructionist groupthink were “putting themselves on a list.”

She said, “When progressive activists ask her for a list of names to target, she’s going to give it to them.”

This list, not unlike the 1930’s Gestapo Black Book or Joe McCarthy’s blacklist, guarantees a trip to the Party woodshed where they will be forced to crawl on their bellies if they stray from the Party line.
UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are grateful to Doug Ross for linking to this post. 

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