Saturday, February 16, 2019

Elected To Office To Deceive Infidels In The Furtherance Of Islam

On Wednesday of this week, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed a broad condemnation of anti-Semitism days after Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) received widespread criticism over her comments on Israel.

Republicans used the so-called "motion to recommit" vote to call for the addition of language to a resolution that states it is in the "national interests of the United States to combat anti-Semitism at home and abroad."

Omar drew widespread condemnation for a tweet last Sunday implying Congressional support for Israel has been bought by money from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
Omar rendered a half-hearted apology for her remarks Monday, tweeting "Anti-Semitism is real, and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes."

Spare me, honey.

This week’s contentious tweet was not her first. In 2012 she tweeted “Israel has hypnotized the world; may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

Ilhan Omar defeated Jennifer Zielinski (R) in the 2018 general election to replace anti-Semite Keith Ellison.  Ellison, you’ll remember, was exposed for continuing a relationship with Louis Farrakhan, head of the anti-Semitic political and religious movement Nation of Islam.  His efforts to distance himself from the man who compared Jews to termites earned him four Pinocchios in a fact check performed by the Washington Post.  Ellison met privately with “Calypso Louie” as late as 2016.

Now Ilhan Omar enjoys access to the corridors of American power.

Omar fled her native Mogadishu, Somalia when she was 8 years old and spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya. She came to the U.S. as a 12-year-old and eventually settled in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, which has long been a first stop for new arrivals in the U.S.

Starting in the 1990s, the State Department directed thousands of refugees from Somalia’s civil war to Minnesota, which is now home to the largest population of Somalis outside Somalia itself.

It soon emerged that millions of taxpayer dollars, and possibly much more, had been stolen through a massive scam of Minnesota’s Social Services sector, specifically through fraudulent daycare claims. To make matters worse, the money appears to have wound up in areas of Somalia controlled by al-Shabab, the Islamic jihadist group responsible for numerous terrorist outrages.

According to a published report by Twin Cities Pioneer Press, Minnesota has the highest number of refugees per capita nationwide, according to the U.S. Census and refugee support agencies. With 2 percent of the nation’s population, Minnesota has 13 percent of its refugees.

Data reveals refugees cost an estimated $107,000 each in food stamps, medical expenses, job training and English lessons.  Communities have no control over the influx of refugees, yet they must share the cost of supporting them. And residents often don’t speak out or even ask questions of the process for fear of being called racists, according to Kim Crockett, vice president of the Center of the American Experiment.

According to the DGlobe (of Worthington) in 2015, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (D) sought to stifle public discussion regarding refugee resettlement.  He advised native Minnesotans with qualms to move out. “If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state,” he said. “Find a state where the minority population is 1% or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota.” Dayton also made an economic argument that did not exactly fit the case of Third World immigrants who are themselves heavy consumers of welfare benefits. “Our economy cannot expand based on white, B+, Minnesota-born citizens. We don’t have enough,” he said.

A September 2015 report of the House Homeland Security Committee task force on combating terrorist and foreign-fighter travel revealed that Minnesota led all states in contributing foreign fighters to ISIS. Reviewing the public cases of 58 Americans who joined or attempted to join ISIS, the task force found that 26 percent of them came from Minnesota. Somali Minnesotans occasionally appear in the headlines as “Minnesota men” who have taken up jihad. In 2015, ten such Minnesota men were charged with seeking to join ISIS in Syria; six pleaded guilty and three were convicted in June 2016 (one is presumed dead in Syria).  

Rep. Omar, like all members of Congress have access to intelligence provided by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service of the CIA by virtue of their elected positions.  They do not receive security clearances per se.

Rep. Omar sits on the Budget, Education and Labor, and Foreign Affairs Committees of the House. She should be removed from all three due to her animus against Jews and Catholics  (see the Covington Catholic boys incident). The idea of having someone with an animus against Jews and Catholics sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee in judgment of Israel is unbearable.

While a few members of her party publicly denounced Omar’s reprehensible anti-Semitism, many remained silent or side-stepped the issue.  

According to Congressional Research Serviceunder Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution, a member of Congress may be removed from office before the normal expiration of his or her constitutional term by an “expulsion” from the House of Representatives upon a formal vote on a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of the Members present and voting.

As to removal by recall, the United States Constitution does not provide for nor authorize the recall of United States officers such as Senators, Representatives, or the President or Vice President.

Omar’s condescension and hostility are grating. She rarely, if ever, expresses gratitude to the United States for receiving her and her family. Instead, she daily portrays herself as a victim of discrimination by the country that rescued her.

I hope Nick Sandmann is successful in his libel suit for the brutal lies that destroyed his life and reputation.  My amusement that Rep. Omar is listed in that suit is boundless.

Maybe, just maybe, Minnesota’s despicable Congresswoman will be forced to fully renounce her bigotry.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are always thankful for the linky-love from Doug Ross and Bad Blue.