Sunday, January 8, 2017

DNC Rent-Boy John Harwood

The journalist who was exposed in the Podesta emails by WikiLeaks for his unethical relationship with the Clinton campaign foolishly hosted his own poll on Twitter asking who Americans believed regarding the hacking of the DNC:  WikiLeaks, or the US intelligence community.
This is the same media rent-boy who asked Podesta “What should I ask Jeb?” in advance of an interview with the candidate.  And he’s the same hustler who was so very, very proud of himself for asking Donald Trump if he was “running a comic book version of a presidential campaign” during the GOP debate in October 2015.

Harwood’s poll would be meaningful only in the context of the echo chamber from which he preaches but for the fact that it backfired astonishingly. 
UPDATE:  We wish to thank Right Reasons for featuring this graphic on its Today’s Toons for 1/11/17.