Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Bill Clinton: Your “Standard Redneck” Rapist

In 1994, while at a Louisiana truck plant, Clinton reminisced about his 1970 El Camino. He said he lined the back with Astroturf adding with a sly grin, “You don’t want to know why, but I did.”
It's both laughable and sad when a man with no morals tries to make a broad brush condemnation of a group of people who have higher levels of honesty, decency and patriotism than himself.

Former president Bill Clinton suggested Donald Trump's base is comprised mostly of "rednecks" during a rally at Palm Beach State College in Belle Glade, FL on Tuesday intimating they are a bunch of ignorant, white racists.

“Look, man, the other guy’s base is what I grew up in,” Bubba told the crowd of Granny supporters. “You know, I’m basically your standard redneck.”

Everyone in the Clinton camp, including their surrogates, have campaigned largely on dismissing and demonizing Trump and his supporters as bigots.

Need proof?  Brad Blakeman, who was a senior staffer in the George W. Bush administration and Nomiki Konst, a Democrat strategist got into a profoundly heated argument while appearing on Fox News America’s Newsroom this morning. 

If liberals and progressives continue to portray opposition to their ideological agenda as manifestations of ignorance and hate, Granny’s campaign slogan “Stronger Together” is nothing more than piffle Grade A bullshit.