FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m no fan of
country music. Never have been. Never will be.
Stand With Hillary Super PAC got some gawd-awful idiot to write a vapid,
vacuous “song” about
how wonderful Hillary Clinton is. It’s
almost Gruberesque. You know the guy who
said American voters are stupid. (WARNING: If you don't want your ears to bleed, for God's sake don't click on the link. Don't you do it!)
someone at SWH2016 believed in his heart of hearts that Gruber was right and
thought “what the hell, let’s go for it.”
I told you up front I’m no country music fan.
Fan or not, it’s easy to tell this song is an insult to country music.
supposed to embrace the fetid stench of corruption and lies? Nah, baby.
The Twitterverse pounced on the
video. #HillaryCountrySongs
became a thing over at Twitchy
and so, I decided to Photoshop™ Bill and Hillary in some Western garb and gave
it the “new car smell” and assigned the #HillaryCountrySongs
“How Can I Miss You If You Won’t Go Away.”