Poor Mary trails in every poll
for this Saturday's Senate runoff in Louisiana.
The dynasty of the “Cajun Kennedys” is 99% assured of ending as the
Pelican State electorate goes to the polls.
After three terms in office, Mary
Landrieu has been consigned to a state of utter irrelevance. Her expected loss to Bill Cassidy will mark
the end of an era in a state the Democratic Party was convinced it would own in
Three days before the 2014
mid-term election, Landrieu was asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd why The World’s
Most Dangerous Community Organizer struggles in her state. Landrieu first said his energy policies
run counter to Louisiana’s “pro-production” mindset, citing an angry response
to his moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
Finding a pile of shit nearby, Mary
stepped right in it making the excuse that if she lost her seat to Cassidy it
would be because of racism and sexism.
be very honest with you. The South has not always been the friendliest place
for African-Americans. It’s been a difficult time for the president to present
himself in a very positive light as a leader.
It’s not always been a good place for women to present ourselves.
It’s more of a conservative place,” said Landrieu.
Insulting voters days ahead of an
election will likely be her undoing.
After the mid-terms, Landrieu
made a pathetic play for votes in the Senate by calling for a vote on the XL
Keystone Pipeline. For six years, she
and every other Democrat blocked the bill.
Landrieu fooled no one with her purely political ploy.
They say she’s “gator bait” come
Saturday. More likely, a loup garou is
going to emerge from the bayou and spirit her away.
Buh-bye Mary. As we like to say in the South, “Bless her