Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Handmaidens Of Propaganda

On Sunday, November 30th, the ghastly murder of a white man in the Bevo Mill neighborhood of St. Louis went unreported by the mainstream media for seven hours after news broke of the story by a local Fox affiliate.

The incident involving a 32-year-old Bosnian immigrant named Zemir Begic and four men who bludgeoned him to death with hammers has been portrayed by police as a “wrong place, wrong time” slaying.

According to StLToday, many at the scene of the murder speculated that the four men who beat Begic to death targeted him because of his Bosnian descent.

Police detectives do not believe Begic’s Bosnian heritage or the color of his skin served as a motive in any way.

According to a videotape by an eyewitness, this atrocity occurred moments after “black people” ran up and down the street yelling “Eff the white people, kill the white people.”

Police arrested two suspects, ages 15 and 16 the day of the homicide.  Another man, Robert Joseph Mitchell, turned himself in to police.  Detectives believe they know who the fourth suspect is, but have not yet made an arrest.

According to the probable cause statement, Begic was with his fiancée and two others when he was attacked.  Mitchell taunted Begic, challenged him to a fight, and then the four teens began to beat him.

The handmaidens of propaganda are busy spinning like a top to paint this incident as anything other than what it is:  vengeance—a sudden, gagging, writhing, agonizing death.

The media is culpable for inducing rioters and those doing the attacking to go feral—unable to ignore their instincts, control their behavior or comply with the law.

Of course, their job is made all the easier when Louis Farrakhan beseeches, “We’ll tear this goddamn country apart”, or supporters call for the genocide of white people and demand that Officer Darren Wilson be murdered or when Ferguson protesters state their real goal is a communist revolution.

I weep for America.  Will my prayers for her be heard?