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Image credit: BabyPictures.org
I recently shared
a moment with my readers in which I recounted the trouble I’d been having
After visiting
a lung specialist at the behest of two urgent care doctors I had seen in
December, I underwent a battery of breathing tests and x-rays. The lung specialist informed me that the
breathing tests revealed that my lung capacity was a meager 54%. The x-rays he ordered were inconclusive so he
ordered a high resolution CT scan of my lungs.
The CT scan
was done on February 4th and I have waited and waited and waited for this day
to find out the results.
Adrienne of Adrienne’s
Corner, read the post about my health scare and called for prayers. As the word spread, good friend and blogger
Bob Belvedere of The
Camp of the Saints did the same.
This site was
visited by so many wonderful folks who wished me well and promised prayers for
a good outcome that I was overwhelmed.
So here’s what
happened yesterday. My appointment was
at 11:15AM. All the doctors were running
late. I was finally called into the
examination room at 11:55AM. At 12:29 PM
my doctor entered the room.
I sat there
frozen—too scared to ask THE question.
I know my eyes
were as big as saucers when he said, “Well, it’s not bad, but it’s not 100%
either.” The CT scan is showing me that
you do not have interstitial
lung disease. What it does show is that
you have chronic bronchitis and possibly occupational asthma.”
He said that
my shortness of breath on exertion, cough, fatigue, and chest congestion
were most likely from chronic bronchitis.
Here, I will
admit that I thought bronchitis was no big deal, but now I know
differently. Chronic bronchitis
is a long-term, often irreversible respiratory illness. To be categorized as having chronic
bronchitis you must have a daily mucus-producing cough (check) that persists
for at least three months a year (check), at least two years in a row
(check). This is not to be confused with acute
bronchitis which is a mild inflammation of the air passages of the lungs that
clears up in a few days.
So, what the
doctor thought initially, that I had restrictive lung disease turned out to be
wrong based on the CT scan. But, I’m not
out of the woods either. Turns out I do
have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) that can lead to gradual
deterioration of the lungs. It’s the
fourth-leading cause of death in this country.
My doctor
prescribed an inhaler called Dulera®. It’s
specifically for asthma. He wants to see
me again in 30 days to see if this medication helps.
I want to
thank all the folks who stopped by here to leave their thoughts and
prayers. If ever there is a time that
you feel prayers don’t work. Kick
yourself in the pants. It does. Perfect strangers were stopping by telling me
they were joining the prayer brigade.
I guess the
best way to say how much you guys mean to me is to quote Anne Frank, “Crying
can bring relief, as long as you don’t cry alone.”
God bless you all. Thank you.
God bless you all. Thank you.