I am keenly
aware that this little blog is read by a fairly small number of visitors who
come here because they know me or became aware of this site because of the
great honor it received recently for its Photoshops™.
Political Clown Parade is a mostly unknown site, I doubt that the sparse
postings of late have been noticed. For
those who are regular visitors here, the question may have arisen as to why
there have been so few posts.
Allow me to
bring you into the fold.
On December
11, 2012 I left work early to visit a local urgent care center because I was
feeling like death warmed over. The
doctor who saw me immediately diagnosed me with acute bronchitis. He ordered me to take not one but two
breathing treatments to reduce the wheezing and allow me to breathe a little
better. I was given prescriptions to
ease the coughing, antibiotics to clear up the infection and an inhaler of
After about
two weeks, I thought I was on the mend only to suffer a relapse and a return to
the urgent care center I had visited before.
The doctor who
saw me then prescribed a stronger inhaler, Combivent®, a bronchodilator
indicated for use in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), another round of antibiotics, a cough suppressant and a stern
recommendation to seek the help of a lung specialist.
I called a
pulmonologist whose practice is located at a hospital in my town and was set up
immediately for chest x-rays and a battery of breathing tests on January 17th. After the x-rays and the breathing tests I
went upstairs to see the lung specialist.
We discussed
my long history of bouts with pneumonia, bronchitis and sinusitis. He explored with me the various problems I’ve
had breathing and the environment in which I work. He decided to have me return to radiology
after my appointment to have several cranial x-rays taken to determine whether
I had marked problems with my sinuses and ordered a dozen or so blood
tests: mycoplasma pneumoniae, a complete
blood count with differential (measures the levels of red blood cells, white
blood cells, platelet levels, hemoglobin and hematocrit), immunoglobulins, Westergren
Sedimentation Rate (measures inflammation and risk of heart attack) and an alpha-1
antitrypsin blood test which can help determine if there is the presence of
lung tissue degradation characteristic of pulmonary emphysema.
I returned to
the lung specialist on January 28th to learn the results of all these tests and
Here’s what he
said: the breathing tests showed that I
have a lung capacity of 54 percent. You
read that right: 54%.
He said my
chest x-rays looked good. No evidence of
pneumonia, emphysema or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Though there is no sign of obstructive lung
disease I do have restrictive lung disease.
The bad news is he doesn’t know what’s causing this.
On February 4th,
he ordered me to get a high resolution CT scan of my lungs. I have been waiting until my next appointment,
which is on the 25th, to learn what the CT scan shows all the while struggling
to breathe like a healthy person would and trying not to freak out.
There’s just
not enough information out there about restrictive lung disease, but what does
exist sounds pretty dire to me: If the likely
diagnosis is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), early treatment may slow the
disease. If the patient responds poorly,
they usually die within two to three years.
includes effective coughing techniques, use of steroids for chronic
inflammation, use of supplemental oxygen and energy conservation and relaxation
So, I wait and
wonder. While I wait, I will appreciate
every little beautiful moment in every day.