“If we’re going to be serious about deficit
reduction and debt reduction, then it’s going to have to be a matter of shared
sacrifice—at least as long as I’m president. And I’m going to be president for
the next four years…”
appearing on CNBC’s Squawk Box, Home Depot Founder Ken Langone gave his dire
don't know when the storm is going to hit.
It has to happen. If you look at our debt to GDP, eventually you
reach a point where there's no turning back."
He used an
analogy to make his point. "If you had one meal left, and you had your
grandchild with you, would you eat it or give it to your grandchild?"
He said all
people would say "give it to my grandchild."
But pursuing
the president's vision, he argued, "[Is] eating the grandchildren's
breakfast, lunch and dinner right now. And the [grandchildren] haven't been
born yet."