Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Goodnight Moonface

Some things in life defy logic. One of the things that always mystified me was the marriage of Republican strategist Mary Matalin to gollum look-alike James Carville.

Carville is best known for his work as the lead strategist on former President Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign. Matalin served as a key strategist for the Republican National Committee under three Republican presidents, including Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

No less mystifying is the marriage of Kellyanne Conway and lawyer hubby George.

George Conway's anti-Trump political action committee, The Lincoln Project, released an advertisement Monday demonizing President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and questioning the vitality of America as a nation if he is reelected in six months.

The title of the spot is a play on one of the most famous political ads of the modern era, 1984’s “Morning in America” from President Ronald Reagan’s re-election campaign.

The Lincoln Project ad is unadulterated delusion and disgraces the namesake of the 16th President of the United States.  Here’s the transcript:
“There’s mourning in America. Today, more than 60,000 Americans have died from a deadly virus Donald Trump ignored. With the economy in shambles, more than 26 million Americans are out of work—the  worst economy in decades. Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street. This afternoon, millions of Americans will apply for unemployment, and with their saving run out, many are giving up hope. Millions worry that a loved one won’t survive COVID-19. There’s mourning in America, and under the leadership of Donald Trump, our country is weaker and sicker and poorer. And now, Americans are asking, if we have another four years like this, will there even be an America?”
Democrats and never-Trumpers are all about lies. It’s the only playbook they follow and to no one’s surprise, The Lincoln Project ad drew the ire of Trump.

In a series of tweets, the President noted, “A group of RINO Republicans who failed badly 12 years ago, then again 8 years ago, and then got BADLY beaten by me, a political first timer, 4 years ago, have copied (no imagination) the concept of an ad from Ronald Reagan, 'Morning in America', doing everything possible to get even for all of their many failures. You see, these loser types don't care about 252 new Federal Judges, 2 great Supreme Court Justices, a rebuilt military, a protected 2nd Amendment, biggest EVER Tax & Regulation cuts, and much more. I didn't use any of them because they don't know how to win, and their so-called Lincoln Project is a disgrace to Honest Abe. I don't know what Kellyanne did to her deranged loser of a husband, Moonface, but it must have been really bad. John Weaver lost big for Kasich (to me). Crazed Rick Wilson lost for Evan 'McMuffin' McMullin (to me). Steve Schmidt & Reed Galvin lost for John McCain, Romney's campaign manager (?) lost big to 'O', & Jennifer Horn got thrown out of the New Hampshire Republican Party. They're all LOSERS, but Abe Lincoln, Republican, is all smiles!”
There’s a lot to unpack there, but Trump is right.
In a prolonged interview on Sunday night with Fox News from the Lincoln Memorial, the President criticized the “hostile press” before pointing up at the memorial and saying he has been treated worse as president than was Abraham Lincoln.

George Conway helped start The Lincoln Project in December 2019 with other anti-Trump Republicans to derail his reelection. The left seized on Trump’s description of Conway calling it a racist slur completely ignoring the fact that the term “moonface” is a medical term used to describe a rounded appearance due to fat deposits on the sides of the face.
The Lincoln Project isn’t just running anti-Trump advertisements. They’ve also produced ads supporting the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Joe Biden, and endorsed him last month in a Washington Post op-ed. 

“We’ve never backed a Democrat for president,” they wrote. “But Trump must be defeated.”

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