Wednesday, August 7, 2019

His Presidential Prospects In Swift Decline, Beto Is Ready For His Close Up

Playing a clip from MSNBC’s All in With Chris Hayes, host Stephanie Ruhle and CEO and President of Voto Latino Maria Teresa Kumar speculated the El Paso mass shooting could be politically advantageous for presidential candidate Robert Francis O'Rourke Tuesday morning.

"Maria, Beto has said he is running in the name of decency and democracy. As bad as this may sound, could this moment be a chance for Beto to gain some momentum?" Ruhle asked.

"I think so. When you look at who the President is most afraid of, you often hear within inner circles that Beto is the one that concerns him," Kumar responded.

Media consensus seems to have formed that O’Rourke is a lightweight; an entitled child of privilege who has “failed up” all his life. His theatrics and grandiose delusions skate close to the edge of parody.

Brandon Rottinghaus, University of Houston political science professor noted in the New York Times, “He needs a big issue and he needs his biography to really bloom.  This is an opportunity for him to do both.”

The field of 2020 Democrat presidential candidates is too large and the winnowing process will begin with the third round of debates to be held in Houston where the rules are expected to cut the field to ten or perhaps fewer.

None of the Democrats have given credit to President Trump for calling out the racist motives that inspired the El Paso shooting and for clearly denouncing it as “white supremacy.”

As the nation turns it attention to the President’s trips to El Paso and Dayton to meet with the victims of the back-to-back shootings, White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told reporters the President recognizes the gravity of this moment.

O’Rourke’s presidential aspirations have been burdened by his weaknesses and inexperience.  His debate performances have done little to improve his standing.  His desperation is palpable.  Exploiting this moment for political expedience, he announced he would be attending an event to “honor those lives lost, confront President Trump and white supremacy and demand responsible gun control.”

Is it just me or does anyone else see the glare of a ghoul in Beto’s eyes?  This is his last chance to reprise his political fortunes by standing on the 22 corpses in an El Paso Walmart and waving a bloody shirt saying, “Hey, look at me!  Look at me!”

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Pirate’s Cove.  We are always grateful when The Admiral links to our posts.

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