There is a cancer in
the heart of Islam. It is metastic and
spreading with impunity throughout the globe.
The word
“Islamophobia” has been injected into our language by Muslim apologists to menace
us into giving up our human rights and ultimately surrender to sharia law. The doublethink of the word has been
weaponized against us.
A war of words has raged
for more than three weeks over a contest promoted by Pamela Geller in Garland, Texas at the very same
conference center where Islamic activists three months earlier had convened to
demand that free speech in America be restricted and forbid cartoons, books and
films which they find insulting.
In its aftermath, the media rushed to condemn the event
calling it a “Muslim-baiting stunt.”
Descriptives of Geller included terms like demagogue, exciter,
firebrand, fomenter, incendiary, inciter, agitator, instigator and
rabble-rouser. That’s fine. That’s their opinion, but satire exposes
sociopaths and sociopathic ideologies.
The event flushed out two radical Islamist terrorists living among us who drove 1,000 miles to kill the conferees.
Muslims want you
to make way for Islam, but Islam does not make way for you.
The government
insists that you respect Islam, but Islam has no respect for you.
Islam wants to
rule and seeks to destroy our Western civilization.
We can delude
ourselves as the memory of 9/11 fades into complacency, but to do so imperils
every aspect of our western civilization.
Case in point: Secretary of
Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson said in February of this
year, “We in the administration and the government should give voice to the
plight of Muslims living in this country and the discrimination that they face.
And so I personally have committed to speak out about the situation that very
often people in the Muslim community in this country face. The fact that there
are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and the Islamic faith is one about peace
and brotherhood.”
Now Ms. Geller
intends to show Americans what is being kept from them by the political, cultural
and academic elites of this country.
Through her human rights advocacy group, American Freedom Defense
Initiative, a new ad campaign is being launched featuring the winning Muhammad
cartoon on metro buses and trains in the District of Columbia.
![]() |
Cartoon reprinted with permission from its creator Bosch Fawstin |
Far too many elite squishes
find Geller’s ads jarring. The point of her ads is the unvarnished truth—will
we acquiesce to the terrorists’ threats of violence and be frightened into
submission or send a clear and convincing message that we will not kiss their
After the attacks of
9/11 Geller said, “[They] threatened my freedom.
They threatened the air that I breathe.
This is nothing short of a battle between freedom and slavery.”
Geller has been added to the savages’ death list accompanied
by the following warning: “Our aim was
khanzeer (pig) Pamela Geller and to show her that we don’t care what land she
hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our lions to achieve her
"They want me dead for violating sharia blasphemy laws.
What remains to be seen is whether the free world will finally wake up and
stand for the freedom of speech,” Geller said.
It’s time to choose sides. Will you accept the assassin’s veto by
kissing evil’s ass and accepting the boundaries of your freedom set by murderous
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