Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Ultimate Polish Joke

Arriving in Warsaw, Poland yesterday our village idiot reassured Poland and the Baltic states that America’s 98-pound weakling AKA The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer would protect them from any Russian aggression like the actions the Kremlin took in Crimea.

“You have an ally whose budget is larger than the next 10 nations in the world combined, so don’t worry about where we are,” Biden said to Polish President Bronislaw Komorowsk failing to confess that the U.S. budget is comprised of borrowed money and a $17 trillion national debt.

Uncle Joe’s trip is meant to send a conspicuous message to Moscow, reinforcing the limited sanctions that the United States and the European Union announced on Monday against Russian officials and their allies over the parts they played in events in Crimea.

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