Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rev. Al “Not So” Sharpton: Comcast And MSNBC’s Clowning Achievement

I hope you’ll pardon my tardiness in addressing the issue of MSNBC’s hiring of Brooklyn’s most notorious shakedown artist, blowhard and 2004 presidential candidate.
If you’re not altogether familiar with Sharpton’s checkered past, The New York Daily News has a fairly decent recapitulation.
Having been criticized for its scarcity of minority hosts for a long time, MSNBC decided that Rev. Al Sharpton would take over the slot held by Cent Uygur who replaced Keith “Bathtub Boy” Olbermann when he was fired  let go in January 2011.
It is clear to this observer that Comcast/NBC did not hire this racist propagandist to satisfy their critics, but rather that he was instrumental in signing an agreement that helped them secure FCC approval for the $30 billion merger.  Read the whole thing over at The Daily Beast.
Sharpton has bombed on the radio shows he’s hosted and he will surely bomb again on MSNBC, especially when he comes up with gaffes like “Resist we much” and “The Statement Department.”
Here’s Jimmy Kimmel’s take on “Not So” Sharpton’s teleprompter fumble: