perspective on Cuba is emblematic of his worldview and his affinity for
America’s enemies, especially when they happen to be communist or radical
The comrade who combs
his hair with a balloon vociferously insists it is “unfair” to say everything
was bad in Castro’s Cuba. How can anyone
be that intellectually bankrupt? Its
tantamount to claiming Stalin’s Russia produced great Bolshoi ballet dancers
despite murdering
20 million of his own countrymen. Or
that Nazi Germany, despite its concentration camps, built great highways or
Mussolini who bombed
the Red Cross, dropped poison gas and committed war crimes in Africa and the
Balkans but made the trains run on time.
A Trump vs. Bernie
election will mark a truly revolutionary choice, the likes of which America has
never seen. It will be the first genuinely free choice Americans have had
in a presidential election.
It's going to be wild
on a debate stage when Trump is praising JFK and Bernie has to defend praising
Castro instead.
If you think back to
historic presidential debates, what immediately comes to mind is Reagan vs.
Carter or more recently Trump vs. Clinton; maybe even last week’s Democratic
debate turned bloodbath in Vegas.
Oddly, Comrade Bernie’s
rivals on the debate stage never really hit the presumptive front-runner where
he is most vulnerable: his unholy warmth for the genocidal Soviet Union and his
praise of communist dictatorships such as those in Nicaragua and Cuba.
Famous for giving
long-winded speeches in green military fatigues, Fidel Castro turned Cuba into
a communist state on the doorstep of America. He survived a CIA-backed invasion
by Cuban exiles at the Bay
of Pigs in 1961, as well as numerous assassination attempts, continuing
U.S. trade embargoes and an economic crisis in the 1990s following the collapse of
the Soviet Union.
Castro played a central
role in taking the world to the brink of nuclear war [Cuban
missile crisis] in 1962 when he let the Soviet Union put ballistic missiles
in Cuba leading to a 13-day standoff between President John F. Kennedy and
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
When Castro stepped
down on February 20, 2008 due to failing health, CNN sent
an email company-wide giving marching orders to its reporters on the “proper”
way to report his resignation.
“Please say in our
reporting that Castro stepped down in a letter he wrote to Granma (the Communist
Party Daily), as opposed to in a letter attributed to Fidel Castro. We
have no reason to doubt he wrote his resignation letter, he has penned numerous
articles over the past year and a half.”
“Please note Fidel did
bring social reforms to Cuba—namely free education and universal health care,
and racial integration in addition to being criticized for oppressing human
rights and freedom of speech.”
The sender of that
email was Allison Flexner who was a producer for CNN’s Superdesk at the time. A transcript
from the on-air reporting of a hijacking of a Cuban plane on its way to the
U.S. reveals Flexner was working in Cuba as far back as 2000.
So, yeah, when Bernie
sings the praises of Castro and Cuba, he got that shit straight from CNN.
¡Que jodidas sorpresa!
Here’s a compilation clip of avowed socialist @BernieSanders talking about “how impressed he is,” with Fidel Castro’s murderous, communist totalitarian regime in Cuba👇🏼— Fernand R. Amandi (@AmandiOnAir) February 24, 2020
🚨BREAKING: Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega takes a short break from killing children who protest his socialist dictatorship to endorse his old friend and advisor @BernieSanders.— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) February 21, 2020