Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The “Blahs” Is Off To See The Wizard

Bill “The Groundhog Murderer” de Blasio is just another on-the-make political opportunist with a commitment to lunatic left-wing politics that’s purely conditional. 

When reporters recently noted that more than three-quarters of New Yorkers thought a presidential run was a bad idea, he dryly responded, “I’m glad I could unify the people of New York City.”

No matter what he does he’s met with mockery. There have been several national articles written explaining to the rest of the country why New Yorkers hate the putz.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll shows Blahs at zero percent support in the 2020 presidential race and he will not make the Democrat debate stage in September.  He’s taking on water faster than the Titanic.

The deluge of jokes about Hizzoner shows no signs of stopping.

Apparently, Lurch couldn’t make a flight to appear in person at the Iowa Federation of Labor and opted for a video call.  There was a “technical glitch” that hilariously altered his voice.  For all the world it sounded like Ol’ Blahs had sucked on a balloon filled with helium.  It sounded like an imitation of Alvin The Chipmunk or one of the Lollipop Kids in The Wizard of Oz.

I blame the Curse of the Groundhog.

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