Thursday, August 8, 2019

Picture It: September 2020, The First Presidential Debate Against Trump

Two days ago, the vaunted Quinnipiac University National Poll released its latest polling data.

Polling analyst Mary Snow noted, “In the blink of an eye, the post-debate surge for Sen. Kamala Harris fades and former Vice President Joseph Biden regains his footing among Democratic presidential contenders.  Electability remains his strongest pull.  Across the board, Biden remains by far the Democrat seen as having the best chance of defeating President Trump.”

Biden leads the pack with 34% of Democrats and independent voters who lean Democrat.  Warren is next with 15%, Harris at 12% and the guy who combs his hair with a balloon comes in at 11%.

Rounding out the Democrat field are Alfred E. Newman with 6%, Skateboard Jesus and Ying-Yang with 2% each.  Four other candidates have garnered 1% and the other 14 wannabes haven’t moved the needle.

It’s a long, long way from the Democratic nomination, but President Trump has repeatedly said he hopes “Sleepy Joe” will “limp across the line”.  The President believes he would “easily” beat Biden in 2020.

In an April tweet the President wrote, “I look forward to facing whoever it may be.  May God Rest Their Soul!”

Biden won’t be able to ask President Trump to “go easy on him” like he did of Kamala Harris during the debates in Detroit last month.  If he thought defending his record on health care, criminal justice, immigration, working mothers, the war in Iraq and his “service” in the World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer’s White House was challenging he ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

His presidential bids unraveled in 1988 and 2008 and his well-documented history of confusing and downright embarrassing gaffes and misstatements will most certainly end up working against him.

President Trump is clearly looking forward to debating Joey Plugs and so is everyone else.

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