Thursday, August 15, 2019

He Showed His Complete Incompetence On The National Stage

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (who?) withdrew, via video, from the contest for the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday morning.

“’Hick’ plopped down on some stranger’s porch out in the middle of Iowa with a cameraman in tow and read his prepared statement with all the canned passion we’ve come to expect from him, about all the serious thought he will give to a Senate run,” noted Colorado Peak Politics.

Hickenloser, er, Hickenlooper was never named by likely caucus-goers as their first choice as the Democrat nominee for President.  That’s an insult Jay Inslee and Gov. Steve Bullock managed to avoid.

Even in Colorado, where he is allegedly well-known among Democrats, he received just 7% of the vote in a Public Policy Polling survey.

There was so little grassroots appetite for his candidacy that, four months into his campaign, he had reportedly amassed only 13,000 individual donors. At the time, an anonymous source reported staff informed Hickenlooper his campaign was on pace to run out of money by the end of August.

Democrats are frantic.  Colorado is a must-win for them if they want to take back control of the Senate.  Sixty-one percent of Democrats think Hickenloser has the best chance of unseating Republican Senator Cory Gardner in the general election.

There’s just one teeny, tiny little problem.  Hickenlooper is on record saying he doesn’t want to be a senator and “I don’t think that’s my calling.”  There’s even a video of him declaring, “the Senate doesn’t attract me.  If the Senate’s so good, how come all those senators are trying to get out?”

If the GOP is clever, they’ll take those clips of Ol’ Hick and whip up an attack ad or two to rub his nose in it.

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