Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Circus Came To Cedar Rapids, Iowa On Sunday

Nineteen party clowns with bubbles coming out of their hinies got five minutes apiece to address Iowa Democrats from a single stage in Cedar Rapids on Sunday. It was the first official one of its kind in the 2020 campaign season.

The high-profile audition came as Democrats are jockeying for position on abortion rights, economic inequality, global warming, health care, gun control, foreign policy and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Pete Buttigieg, who hopes to be America's first openly gay president, spoke disdainfully of President Trump's ability to maintain a grip on the nation's political attention. 

He said Americans should embrace popular-vote presidential elections, demand steep minimum-wage increases and lean toward statehood for Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

Buttigieg blasted the President for promoting a “vision of security that goes no further than putting up a wall from sea to shining sea” which he said ignores “the violent white nationalism that presents a clear and present threat to our country.”

That’s a dubious assertion given that this happened at the event:
And in a veiled slap at Republicans' longstanding alliance with evangelical groups that condemn his wedded-gay lifestyle, Buttigieg glared at cameras declaring, “God does not belong to any political party, least of all the one that produced this current president.”

Buttigieg, an amateur pianist, walked to the convention center after playing keyboard onstage with a hired band at a “Picnic with Pete” event at a nearby park. 
UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We thank Doug Ross for linking to this post. 

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