Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Demented Gasbag Proclaims Beating Trump Would Be “So Easy”

The miserable excuse for a man who impersonates President Trump on Saturday Night Live has suggested he is interested in running for president in 2020.
His tweet is not the first time he’s mused about running.  The dude who can’t handle finding a parking spot in New York City told Howard Stern in 2018 he would “beat Trump by 1,000 percent.”

This unstable asshat famously left his daughter Ireland a voicemail rant in 2007 when she was only 11 years old calling her a “rude, thoughtless little pig.”

“I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned.”

“Once again I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone.”

Baldwin revealed to Playboy magazine he contemplated suicide after the voicemail was made public. He said the message caused a “permanent break” in his relationship with his daughter.  He continued, “I don’t think anybody ever recovers from things like that.  It’s a scab that never heals.”

Another recording came back to haunt Baldwin in 2013. That year, he yelled an anti-gay slur at a photographer who was taking a picture of him and his family. Shortly before that incident, Baldwin told another member of the media, “I hope you choke.”

Baldwin has also had altercations with photographers from the New York Daily News and the New York Post. In the past, he’s also lashed out at the media on Twitter, including telling one reporter he was going to “fuck you up.” In addition, he’s admitted to bullying women and treating them “in a very sexist way.”

So yeah, Alec,  bring it buddy.  Trump will wipe the floor with your sorry ass. 

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We remain indebted to Doug Ross for linking so often to posts appearing on this website.