Thursday, January 24, 2019

Once Again Socialism Runs Its Course

A very wise person once said that "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Venezuela has reached that point and now is paying the price, for once you're out of money in a socialistic country the only thing left of value is blood. It is indeed a tragedy as this nation was once South America's wealthiest.

Venezuela's dictator, Nicolas Maduro, is fighting to retain power. At least four people are dead in rioting that broke out today. Millions have left the country due to a failing economy, hyperinflation, no food, no medicine … you know, socialism at its best.

Fraudulent elections have a way of supporting socialism and Venezuela is no different. The Presidential elections last May were plagued with allegations of fraud and rigged voter registration. It was rumored that some of Maduro's campaign advisors were Hillary Clinton and Donna Brazile.

Almost every Central and South American country (with the exception of Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia and San Salvador) refused to attend Maduro's inauguration, as well as Canada and the US. The Organization of American States also refused to recognize Maduro's election.

Today POTUS joined other nations in recognizing the government of the opposition leader, Juan Guadio.

Venezuela Erupts Against Dictator Maduro as His Socialist Regime Starts to Completely Collapse  

Hundreds-of-thousands of people took to the streets in Venezuela Wednesday afternoon in protest of illegitimate President Nicolas Maduro and in support of internationally recognized President Juan Guadio.  
[…]On Wednesday afternoon the Trump administration, in partnership with a number of Central and South American countries, officially declared Maduro is no longer recognized as the leader of Venezuela and that Guadio is the legitimate President of the country.
More here and here.