What we are
witnessing today is a desperate attempt to defuse the President’s efforts to
remove corrupt persons from the government. There has been almost twenty years
of criminal acts that were ignored and are now being uncovered. The following
is a timeline for some of this corruption and the network of criminal
associates who assisted the Clintons and Obamas, but we'll focus on the
From 2001 to 2005 there
was an ongoing grand jury investigation into the Clinton Foundation .
Millions had been donated to the CF by foreign governments. Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none
of those “donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.
James Comey takes over the CF grand jury
Lois Lerner becomes Director of the IRS,
Exempt Organizations Unit.
Rod Rosenstein runs the Tax Division inside
the DoJ from 2001 to 2005.
Robert Mueller is the Director of the FBI
Every one of these people
were directly and intimately involved in the grand jury investigation of the
Clinton Foundation. Needless to say the grand jury investigation goes no where.
James Comey leaves the DoJ
for high paying job (Senior VP and Lead Counsel) at Lockheed Martin. During his
stay at Lockheed Martin, the corporation receives $ billions in FBI government
contracts. One such contract alone was for $1 billion – IBM contested this contract. In the four years Comey was at Lockheed Martin he became a
millionaire, he was given $6 million as separation from service when he left
the company and became FBI Director.
Hillary Clinton is SecState
and starts her own personal email server for government business. She never has
an official, protected government email account.
Russian Rosatom subsidiary ARMZ acquires
17% of Uranium One. A year later Bill Clinton meets
with Vladamir Putin and receives $500,000 for a
speech given at Renaissance Capital (Russian
finance corporation. An FBI informant, David Campbell, was involved in the
negotiations and was issued a gag order by the DoJ – Rod Rosenstein. The FBI
Director, Robert Mueller, even delivered a uranium sample to the Russians.
Within a relatively short
period $145,000,000 was “donated” to the Clinton Foundation by corporations
connected to the Uranium One deal. Lois Lerner was still Director of the Exempt
Organizations Unit.
Benghazi – Trey Gowdy
learns about Hillary’s private email server and the thousands of emails, many
classified Top Secret, she never turned over when she left the SecState Office.
James Comey is now Director of the FBI. First he exonerates Lois Lehner for her
actions targeting conservative organizations applying for tax exempt status. As
the State Department under Kerry drags its feet, Comey then prepares another
exoneration for Hillary and her illegal email server.
In April 2016, Comey
drafts a letter for Hillary exonerating her of any criminal actions in her
violations of a mountain of federal laws governing the reception, storage and distribution
of classified documents. This is done before the principal players are
interviewed and many are granted immunity. Not a single Grand Jury is impaneled.
In July of 2016 Comey gives a presser that astounds the law enforcement
community. After describing a litany of felonies committed by Hillary, Comey
absolves her.
This all changed on
November 8, 2016. The Clinton Crime Syndicate is done. The players described
above have been identified and compromised by their own communications. Uranium
1, unlawful email servers used to enrich the Foundation, Benghazi – it will all
come back to haunt them.
What we are seeing from
the Mueller/Rosenstein carnival is the death throes of the Deep State. After
covering a decade of corruption and enjoying protection by the MSM, they are
finally realizing that Judgment is upon them.
And now we wait. There are
nearly 50,000 sealed federal court documents (not all are indictments) awaiting
action. That’s 50X the normal level of
sealed D0J activity. Not all of it will correspond to Hillary and the Clinton
Foundation and her criminal co-conspirators, but apparently there is another Hillary Clinton investigation that was opened by the FBI. Planeloads of documents have allegedly been transported out of Arkansas.
And we haven't even touched upon the FBI and DoJ involvement in supplying false information to the FISA Court in order to spy on the Trump campaign.
Maybe later we’ll discuss
the thousands of pedophiles who no longer get a wink and a nod from the feds
and have been arrested under Trump’s DoJ. I hope many of those sealed documents
held by the DoJ relate to child sex networks.