I think we can all
agree the 2016 Presidential Election was turbulent. Even before Donald J. Trump was elected president
he was critical of the mainstream media and never shied away from letting his supporters
know it at his huge rallies and through his direct communication with the
nation via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram rather than speaking through the
stenographers and lap dogs for the Democrat Party.
Journalists have rejected
the importance of the sacredness of facts jockeying for top billing in
trendlines on Twitter to become celebrities in their own right. Jim Acosta, call your office.
What they fail to
realize is they are not just writing for the moment, but for history. Every time they distort facts, leak national
security information, pay for fake dossiers or shill for Democrats they weaken
their byline.
Blogger friend Don
Surber wants to “weed out the bad actors from all the superior people who
have devoted their lives speaking truth to power” and has devised The Foolitzer
Prize to be awarded to the best fake news of 2017.
He is asking readers to
nominate the stories, personnel and news organizations deserving of “special
recognition for their terrible works this year.”
The Pulitzer Prize
was established 100 years ago and was meant to recognize “the most
disinterested and meritorious public service rendered by any American newspaper”. The test was “strict accuracy, terseness, the
accomplishment of some public good commanding public attention and respect.”
The liberal Left idolizes
yellow journalism and muckraking.
British author Sydney Brooks (1872-1937) noted in the weekly journal The
Living Age, Vol. 272, page 67 The
American Yellow Press, “journalism
is a contest of madmen for the primacy of the sewer.”
I hope you’ll hop over
to Don’s
blog and join in on the fun to nominate your favorite sewer rat journalist.