I find it galling
that former US Attorney General Eric Holder possessed the effrontery to wag his
finger at Donald Trump on Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention in
Philadelphia. Holder falsely insisted
that violent crime has gone down since The World’s Most Dangerous Community
Organizer took office.
Holder’s fevered
imagination ignores black-on-black crimes, the astronomical rise
in the murder rate
in Obama’s hometown of Chicago and the recent epidemic of cop killings.
Acting as a dutiful
political operative for the Clinton Mafioso Machine Holder said:
“I’ve known Hillary Clinton for almost 25 years—as a friend, a colleague, and a leader of courage and conviction. And today, I am proud to say “I’m with Her!”—because I’ve seen that she has the skills to serve as commander-in-chief—and the strength to lead our already great nation in this hour of challenge and consequence.”
“Did you hear what I just said?”
“Already great nation, Donald did you hear me?”
“Already. Great. Nation.”
It seems just a bit
disingenuous for the man who, on February 18, 2009 said, "Though this
nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial,
we have always been and we—I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially
a nation of cowards."
It is important to
note that this racialist, the
nation’s first black attorney general, led by the nation’s first black
president was speaking during Black History Month and that every year the
nation officially honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Yet, Holder declares that America is a nation
of cowards.
Holder did not and
still does not want an honest dialogue about race in the Age of Obama. He and the Democrats want us to sit down and
shut up and passively be subjected to lectures about our insensitivity.
Five years after his
highly insulting remarks, he told ABC News that he “wouldn’t
walk away from that speech.”
Holder supported using
Hollywood, the media and government officials in order to “really brainwash
people” into opposing firearm ownership, according to a 1995 C-SPAN video.
The revelation that
Holder wanted to “brainwash” people into being “anti-gun” appears to be
supported by what Congress and the American people have learned about Operation
Fast and Furious.
In Fast and Furious,
the Obama Administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(BATFE)—in a program overseen by Holder’s Department of JustUs—sent about 2,000
guns south to Mexican drug cartels. The Obama Administration did this via
“straw purchasers” who bought guns in the United States with the intention of
illegally trafficking them somewhere else.
unsurprisingly, is ever-willing to evade responsibility on a number of
controversies ever since his time in the Clinton Administration and the Obama
UPDATE: Welcome readers of Larwyn’s
Lynx. We are grateful to Doug
Ross for linking to this post.