Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It’s Been One Helluva National Popcorn Day Hasn’t It?

Heads are ‘splodin’ at Democratic National Headquarters as bombshell information released in a letter to members of Congress from the US Intelligence Community’s Inspector General revealed that Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails contained above Top Secret classification. 

“Several dozen” of the messages, part of a cache which Clinton handed over more than a year ago after she deleted tens of thousands of messages she considered “personal” in nature, merit the label “classified,” Charles McCullough wrote in his letter to Congress.

And some, he said, should be classified at the 'top secret / SAP' level. 'SAP' stands for 'Special Access Programs,' a tightly controlled category of top-secret material that's usually shown to government officials on a 'need-to-know' basis.

SAP designations can apply to a wide range of intelligence including nuclear and biological weapons data and specialized programs run directly out of the West Wing of the White House.

Only the president; the secretaries of state, defense, energy and homeland security; the attorney general; and the director of national intelligence—and their principal deputies —can designate intelligence as part of an SAP.

This bombshell signals what must be construed as the imminent demise of Nixon-In-A-Pantsuit considering that even NBC was forced to publish an account of today’s events.

And then...

Sarah Palin today formally gave her endorsement to Donald Trump's White House campaign.

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