Sunday, April 12, 2015

Prepare For War

Corruptocrat, former First Lady, New York senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will officially announce, via video and social media, her intention to seek the 2016 Democratic nomination for president today.

The Hag is renowned for being a sham, aggravating and programmed in each and every response.  She’s absurdly inauthentic, as evidenced by her 2007 campaign bullshit speech about being “no ways tired.”  She is eternally conspiracy-minded and a brazen fabulist
She will attempt to divide the nation on cultural issues because she cannot formulate a cogent economic or foreign policy.  She will enter the election believing the “culture wars” to be the best and safest political ground for her. She will portray Republicans as engaged in a “war on women” in such a way that past efforts will look like a walk in the park.

The New York Post’s Michael Goodwin opines, “So far, something about Hillary does not seem right for the present, let alone the future. Aides have been discounting the early going as a false measure, and assuring backers that she’ll right the ship once she launches.”

“Perhaps, but she is taking on much more water than they had expected, and her margin for error is shrinking fast. The polls suggest there is a tipping point with voters and inevitable stumbles and scandals could make 2016 look like 2008.”

If you doubt there is a disturbance in the force, consider Saturday Night Live’s Cold Open last night: