Baron Bodissey at Gates of
Vienna received a note from a French contact today following the massacre
in Paris involving masked assassins Islamist terrorists who stormed the
headquarters of Charlie Hebdo with AK-47s shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and “the
Prophet has been avenged.”
“This was entirely predictable. Our governments are fully responsible for this mess. We pay for the lies with blood, once again. I hope this will be an eye-opener here.”
“This satirical newspaper is a kind of institution in France. Everyone knows it. This blow will devastate the left—Charlie Hebdo is mainly left-wing. Some of those killed were very famous writers and cartoonists.”
“The newspaper is actually destroyed; they killed the editing team entirely.”
“It was a very professional attack. No doubt about the fact those guys were trained, equipped like true jihadists.”
“Let Islam in and enjoy the consequences…”
has the largest Muslim population in Europe, some five million or 7.5% of the
population, compared with Germany's four million and Great Britain’s three
million. Muslim populations are growing
exponentially forcing those governments to confront the growing discontent over
out-of-control immigration.
In Germany, there is a movement known as PEGIDA, Patriotic
Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, which has drawn the
consternation of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
In January 2013, according to Gatestone
Institute, Muslim gangs were filmed loitering on the streets of London
demanding passersby conform to Islamic Sharia Law. They call themselves the Muslim London
Patrol. They were seen abusing
non-Muslim pedestrians shouting “this is a Muslim area.”
"We are the Muslim Patrol. We are in north London; we
are in south London, in east London and west London. We command good and forbid
evil. Islam is here in London. [Prime Minister] David Cameron, Mr. Police
Officer, whether you like it or not, we will command good and forbid evil. You
will never get us. You can go to hell! This is not a Christian country. To hell
with Christianity. Isa [Jesus] was a messenger of Allah. Muslim Patrol will
never die. Allah is great! Allah is great! We are coming!"
killings at Charlie Hebdo are a horrifying reminder to all of us in the West
that for young radicalized men, their fundamentalist interpretation of their
religion matters enough to kill those who offend it.
Wednesday evening
thousands gathered across France in candlelight
vigils bearing placards that read “Je Suis Charlie” and holding aloft pens
to remind onlookers that the “pen is mightier than the sword.”
It is time for
journalists worldwide to stop
being cowed by demented sub-humans and bowed
by the filthy heresy of Islam.
no candidate for president of the United States should ever say we need to
show “respect even for one’s enemies, trying to understand and insofar as
psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view.”
A terrible day for all cartoonists. #JeSuisCharlie
— Magnus Shaw (@TheMagnusShaw) January 7, 2015