Well, the NYPD is at
it again *snark* and the Reverend Al Sharpton is demanding an investigation
into who leaked
information about a prescription, not a bottle, a prescription of Viagra in
his name that was found at the apartment of Sandy Rubenstein, the noted NYC
attorney who was cleared of rape charges on Monday.
According to The New York Daily News, the pillar of
the black community *snark* said he was unaware of a doctor’s note for the drug
which treats penises unwilling to rise to the occasion.
“I don’t know
anything about that, no, I don’t know anything about that,” Sharpton said,
after a speechless second.
He roared back a
moment later proclaiming, “I am not saying what I do or don’t do, I’m not going
to invade my privacy for some cop,” said Sharpton. “I have no knowledge of what
was in (Rubenstein’s) apartment. But it’s not uncommon for men of all ages to
use certain things. If the motive of the cop was to embarrass me, at 60 years
old, I am unembarrassable,” fumed Sharpton,
Next thing you know he’ll be saying he uses it to keep
from rolling out of bed.