Yesterday, The First Wookiee
spoke at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Chi-Town to extort
exhort the party faithful to “dig deep” into their pockets. Fearful of losing the senate in the November
midterms, something that will call a halt to The World’s Most Dangerous
Community Organizer’s socialist agenda she
said, "I kid you not. I'm going
to be honest with you. That's what we need you to do right now. We need you to
write the biggest, fattest check that you can possibly write."
continued, “Writing those checks is the single most impactful thing that
you can do right now. When you dig deep, when you max out, that translates into
staff hired and offices opened and ads running where they need to run.”
Let’s step back in time for just
a skosh.
Four months before the 2008
general election, “The Messiah” reneged on his long-standing support of public
financing. His
decision to become the first candidate to opt out of public financing freed
him to raise vast amounts of money via Internet-driven fundraising.
After the election The
Washington Post reported that his political shakedown machine had
raised half-a-billion dollars online in his 21-month campaign for the White
On November 15, 2012, Time
was reporting that when the final numbers were counted, $1 billion had greased
the grubby palms of TWMDCO.
He is paid $400,000 a year. We have already heard that there is “donor
fatigue” and Mark Schlapp, former White House political advisor, is
suggesting that the
“Obama political machine is broken.”
There was speculation this week
that TWMDCO and The Wookiee were eyeing a Rancho Mirage mansion worth $4.25
million. TMZ
now reports that famed interior decorator Michael S. Smith didn't like the
house at all. “It's pushed up against the mountain, it doesn't have a lot
of light and it's just not that stylish.” The buyer passed.
Even so, the mere fact that the
mansion was under consideration is a clear indicator that the pretentious outrage
of “too much money in politics” is a false flag.
The Wookiee added, “There’s
special interests that have too much influence. But they had all that money and
all that influence back in 2008 and 2012 and we still won those elections,” as
she pleaded with fellow Dems to add even more cash to the political system.
Yep, the snake is having sex with
the vulture.
UPDATE 3:04 PM 7/26/2014: I wish to apologize to any of my readers who may have visited here between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM today. Someone posted a vile comment that was egregiously offensive. As proprietor of this blog and moderator I welcome opinions that differ from my own but I will not permit repugnant, abhorrent videos and salacious slurs. The commenter responsible has been blacklisted and Disqus has been duly notified.
It's my blog. Them's my rules.
It's my blog. Them's my rules.