Blubbery gasbag Michael Moore entered
the Antrim County Circuit Courthouse today to finalize his divorce from the woman
to whom he had been married 22 years.
(Thankfully they did not spawn any little Moores.)
Detroit News reported that in legal pleadings Mikey blamed his
wife for the long-running criticism of his mega hypocrisy pretending to defend
the poor while owning a mansion in Torch Lake worth $2 million. This, of course, was before the world learned
today of the nine, count ‘em, nine homes they own.
According to court documents the couple owned
nine properties in Michigan and New York, including a Manhattan condo.
In a remarkable manifestation of supreme
pettiness, the tub ‘o shit demanded from his quilting enthusiast wife a “list,
with photographs, of all quilts in your possession whether purchased, gifted,
loaned or produced by you.”
His common-man persona has been an elephantine
lie and now the world knows it.